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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER FIVE ▬▬▬▬▬

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▬▬▬▬▬ CHAPTER FIVE ▬▬▬▬▬

"DO NOT," REGULUS BEGAN IN his sternest voice. "Under any circumstance, even think about signing yourself up for that tournament, Esmerelda. I mean it, that tournament was cancelled for a reason. I don't know what those bloody idiots in the Ministry were thinking—putting it back on. I bet you they'll cancel it again when one of the competitors die, but it'll be far too late at that point."

"Dad..." Esmerelda began, giving him a weird look. "I'm literally fourteen."

He paused for a second, his stern look fading as he reassessed her words. "Oh," he said lamely. "Right. I forgot there was an age limit..."

"Plus, even if I was somehow picked to compete, I'm pretty sure I could handle it." She shrugged. Besides, the tournament actually sounded kinda fun if you excluded the death toll and everything. 

"...Okay, fine, yes, you have a point," he conceded. His protective father instincts may have made a scene back then, but oh well. She was right, though. Now that he really thought about it, his daughter would most definitely win the tournament—and she would probably earn herself a record win too.

She was just that amazing (genes that she obviously inherited from him, of course because Hecate could suck it).

"You'd probably get a record win," he told her. "I'm guessing the competing schools are Beauxbatons and Durmstrang?"

"Yep," she nodded.

"Nothing new then," he mused. "Anything else going on in your life?"

He would never admit it, but he was desperate to hear more about her life. He didn't even care if it was something simple, like what she had for breakfast or—what did she call them?—what happened in her 'television shows'.

Regulus was, for lack of better words, starving. He wanted to know every single aspect of his daughter's life because he had already missed so much. All because he had tried to play the goddamn hero—and failed, to make things worse.

"—and Uncle Sirius sent me a letter about how he managed to get a thousand followers on Instagram. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it's pretty impressive considering he just downloaded the app last week. I just hope he doesn't get Tinder, 'cause then I'll seriously throw up," she rambled.

Regulus couldn't help but scowl the second Sirius' name was mentioned.

Look, deep, deep, deeeeeeep down, a small teensy part of him still cared for his older brother—even when Sirius was a complete moron. His biggest issue with him right now (aside from the time when he ran away from home and left him alone with their dearest mother and father) was that Sirius was alive, meaning he could have an actual good relationship with Esmerelda.

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