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IT WAS ANOTHER BORING HERBOLOGY lesson in the middle of March. Esmerelda hadn't slept well the previous night since she spent that time studying for an exam on history of magic and since she had just finished it, she felt ready to drop dead.

Professor Sprout had already set up a bunch of potted plants on the table when they walked in. They kind of reminded her bonsai plants, except these ones were green, spiky, full of sharp teeth, and moved around as if to try and grab nearby prey.

She was just about to nod off when the name of plant was announced: "Venomous Tentacula! Make sure to keep at least three feet away from them until I get you all the proper tools and—Oh! What did I just say Mr. Finnegan? Three feet away! Go on now!"

While Professor Sprout busied herself with scolding Seamus, Esmerelda was immediately startled awake.

Venomous Tentacula. She hadn't heard that name in years since she bought Ethan that poisoned knife from Borgin and Burkes.

She didn't know why, but something about hearing that familiar name made her anxious, as if this was a lesson she should pay extra attention to. Ethan would never use the knife she had gifted him against her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't hesitate to use it on anyone else.

"Put on your gear everyone, then you may approach the tables," with a wave of Professor Sprout's wand, uniforms appeared on the floor in front of them. A thick apron, elbow-high gardening gloves that were probably made from strong dragon hide, and a helmet for protection.

They slipped on the protective gear and carefully approached the tables full of snapping venomous tentacula.

"Venomous tentacula expels venom from it's shoots and its spikes are deadly, but the gear you're wearing should protect most of your body. I apologize if the gloves aren't long enough," the professor explained.

Esmerelda glanced down and spotted a few inches of bare skin between the end of the dragon hide gloves and the tee-shirt she was wearing.

"While the plant's bite is deadly and highly venomous, the juice of the plant is a less lethal version of it. Don't get cocky though, you would still experience pure agony, the only difference is that it won't kill you, so you'll feel that pain until you get a cure." At hearing that, Ron immediately retracted his gloved hand away from the potted plant.

"Does anyone know what can cure a bite from a venomous tentacula?"

Hermione, naturally, raised her hand. "A bezoar," she answered. "Which is a stone taken from a goat's stomach. It'll save you from most poisons."

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