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(to clarify, this is the same day that has been happening, it is the morning of)

"hey Leo, make sure you have your bag packed okay, your going to your moms tonight, and she is going to pick you and Alison up from daycare okay." Owen said as he was making Alison some breakfast.

Owen absolutely hated having his kids for only half the time, but he tried to make it work, but teddy gave him every reason for it to not work. She was not the same person she once was, and maybe he could've fallen in love with Teddy years ago, but now, that wasn't likely, he didn't want to have to see her anymore, and sometimes he wished his kids didn't either, but he knew she was a great mother and she loved them. He just had another side of the story which he didn't like so much.

"Daddy are you going to come see me while you are in daycare, I will miss you ALL day." asked Leo

"No buddy, remember, I have to help set up for aunty Amelia's dinner tonight, but I promise I'll see you in a few days.". this made him sad. Leo was at an age where he just always wanted to be with one of his parents, and it broke Owens heart because every time Owen has to give his kids to Teddy, Leo asks him the same thing.


after work Owen headed to Links house. "Hey Link sorry it took me so long, I hit some traffic." said Owen as he open the front door, and as he walked to the kitchen he saw Callie.

"Hey Callie, why are you here? Why didn't you tell me You were stopping into town?" said Owen surprised and coming in for a hug.

Before Callie could answer Owen was looking around the room, "Uh Callie who's that and why does he look like George O'Malley?" Owen said pointing at George who was sitting at the table.

"oh, it is George, I though you would've heard by now, he's still alive." said Callie smiling.

'Oh well how have you been? I'm going to need some explaining." said Owen.

As they set up, George explained the whole situation yet again, at this point he was getting tired of telling the story.

"Hey Hunt, or Hayes, or really any of you, because you're all invited to this dinner tonight, but I am going to need one of you to take photos tonight. Meredith was supposed to, but I'm not sure she's going to be back in time.

"Of course, I'll do it" said Hayes with a smile as he went inside to grab the camera and figure out how to use it.

Owen got a phone call, "Hello?"

"Hi Dr. Hunt, this is the hospital daycare. Dr. Altman never showed up to get Leo and Alison, we had her down for pickup, but maybe it was a mistake? Or was there a change of plans or a late surgery or something?"

"Uh, no not that I am aware of, she was supposed to pick them up about an hour and a half ago, that's when she got off work." said Owen told the Lady. "I'll call her, and get back to you on that, thank you."

He hung up and went to call Teddy, but there was no answer, He kept calling hoping that she just forgot what day it was or something, but each time he called he got increasingly worried that something happened. He continued to call thinking that she would catch on when she had thirty missed calls from him, but nothing. He texted her too, no response. After about a half hour we decided he had to go pick up his kids.


When he arrived there were police officers of some sort standing down the hall from the daycare, and just before he walked in, one of them approached him

"sir, are you Owen Hunt?"


"Would you mind coming with me so we can ask you a few questions?" he asked

Owen Followed them into one of the conference rooms, where they asked him if he knew where Teddy was, or if he knew anything suspicious since he had kids with her.

They kept asking him like he was hiding information or something, but finally they believed him and when he asked what this was all about, they said, "There has been some suspicious and illegal activity on her records, and that they have reason to believe she isn't actually who she says she is, and it could also be the reason you haven't been able to find her.". They then recommended that he keep close tabs on his kids just in case. They weren't worried about her taking them or anything, considering they probably would have disappeared with her already if she really wanted them. They also said that she probably doesn't even care too much about the kids, and that it is just an act, but he should still be cautious.

Owen was immediately worried and went to get his kids. He wasn't supposed to say anything to anyone, and quite honestly, they probably weren't even supposed to give him that much information.

Because, of this, he didn't want to leave his kids with a babysitter, so his only option was to take them to the dinner with him.

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