Cristina and Teddy

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Cristina had originally planned to leave Kansas, but as she was going to leave she had asked about her friend Teddy.

They said that things were going to be rough foe her for a while, and she didn't really have anyone.

It turns out that when Teddy and Lucy went to college there was a huge fight and they stopped talking, Teddy doesn't honestly know why or what the fight was about, but she knew that she was angry with her. Teddy explained that after she was fired from Seattle Grace Mercy West to go work at united states army medical, she had been in contact with her sister whose sole plan was to take her, but before that, she studied every detail of Teddy's life. It was the perfect time since Teddy was still hurt from Henry's death, and because she was going somewhere else, no one would know that it wasn't actually her. Lucy had planned to 'swap' with her before her transition to her new job. Teddy has been there longer than Alex or Derek and she's been fully aware of the fact that her identity has essentially been stolen.

Teddy hasn't really been able to fully recover from anything since Henry's death and that includes Henry's death.

From what Cristina understood, she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Owen has a kid with her. Teddy knows the truth, but Owen doesn't, and she did really used to like Owen which made her even more angry.

Cristina was there with Teddy to keep her comfort when she wasn't in counselling. Cristina was a good break for Teddy, and she was the one of the last real friends that she felt like she had.

"Cristina, I am so glad to have you. You didn't have to stick with me through this, you could've gone home or been with our friends all this time." Teddy said as they were watching a movie one day.

"I don't do sentimental, but yes I'm here, and trust me, I don't think you would be here if you didn't have me, or anyone."

"Well thank you-". Teddy was cut off by someone walking into the room.

"Teddy, they have found Lucy."

"wh- wh- really?"

This was a huge moment for Teddy because they knew that there was no way Teddy was going to be able to exist in the world where her sister was still out there. Teddy knew that she could get herself and her identity back. Of course she didn't want to see her or talk to her, but she was happy knowing she wasn't out and about.

She and Izzie were going to be locked up and that is what made Teddy happy.

More weeks passed and Teddy progressed faster than she had before Lucy was found, and the day came where she was released. She was over the moon excited.

"So where are we going to go from here?" Cristina asked.

"I was hoping Seattle? As odd as it sounds, I need to go back there." She said nervously.

"okay, so we get on a plane to Seattle"


They had landed and they were waiting for Derek to come pick them up from the airport to take them to Owens house. Cristina had warned Owen that her and Teddy were coming, and she couldn't imagine how nervous Owen and Teddy were to see each other, but Cristina was a lot nervous, other than the obvious, she hadn't seen him in a long time.

Cristina was glad to see Derek doing better and happy, but him and Teddy seemed to talk a lot about what had gone on at the 'hotel', and there seemed to be a lot of emotions which she hated so this made her uncomfortable. But she knew that talking about it with people who were familiar with the situation would help both of them, so she sat there quietly for most of the ride.


When Owen opened the door he was trying to get Alison to stop crying "shh, its okay" he said, "hey guys!" he said looking up. "Come in!"

Cristina thought that Owen was going to be mad at Teddy, because that's how he can be sometimes, but he wasn't, he was very welcoming and calm as Teddy told him about what happened.

While they were talking, Cristina mostly just kept the kids entertained which was harder than she thought because every time Leo tried to draw with the red marker, Alison would get frustrated and start to cry. She couldn't give Leo just any red marker because Alison still didn't like it, but Leo just really wanted a red marker. "I am so glad I don't have kids." she thought.

"So Owen, Have you worked out the whole parent custody thing yet, I wouldn't think-"

"yes, that was the first thing I did when I found everything out, but not much could be done until she was found, but things moved fast once she was, and she is no longer their legal guardian, and they are safe." he sighed in relief, "but man your sister is not nice, when things don't go her way she gets angry." he said shaking his head.

"Yeah, believe me I know, that's why I wasn't bothered when she stopped talking to me, and why I didn't tell you, or anyone about her, because at that point, I hadn't seen her in years and I had no idea about anything about her, and it just wasn't relevant."

"oh yes that makes sense, well would you like to meet your niece and nephew...I guess that's what they are right?"

"Yes Owen, I would love to."

After this conversation Teddy felt better, she missed Owen, she used to be in love with him, but now she just needs her friend, and that's what he is to her, and the children, they are beautiful she thought. to her it felt like a happy ending, or at least her somewhat happy ending.

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