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"Dr. Wilson, there is a call waiting for you when you have a moment." said one of Jo's favorite nurses as she walked out of her patients room toward the nurses station where the nurse was holing the phone for her.

"hello?" said Jo

"hi, is this Dr. Josephine Wilson?" the man on the other end of the line asked.

"yes it is."

"hi, I am going to need you to come down to the police station when you have a moment, however it is urgent"

"how urgent, because I am still at work, on call, and I can't just-" she heard her patient scream, and then she started to code.

Jo ran to her patient leaving the phone there, she didn't even bother to hang up.

After she ran the code she realized that her patient needed surgery immediately, and she had almost completely forgotten about the phone call, but that had to wait.


Jo had finished her surgery several hours later, and as she was coming out of the scrub room so was Amelia. "hey Wilson, you coming to the dinner Link and I are having tonight?" Amelia asked excitedly

"yeah of course I am, I'm excited."

"good, I don't want people bailing on the last second, its no fun when people bail."

"OH shoot, wait- the police station, I am actually not sure I can go." Jo said running off.

"what the Heck Wilson? what does the police station need you for? Are you going to become a cop now too?" Amelia said Jokingly, "wait Wilson where are you going?" she said realizing she wasn't kidding, and running after her.

You see, in the last couple of years Jo has spent time questioning her career, and thinking about OBGYN and general, she left general, and even now she's not sure it was the right move. She loves it, but she's not sure it was the right move. She has spent so long waiting for something good that she decided that maybe she just had to make it happen, but maybe that was a bad idea too, maybe it was eventually going to come to her.

Amelia followed her to the attendings lounger where Jo had already managed to be half changed.

"what do you mean the police station?" Amelia said confused.

"I got a call, It was urgent, I'm thinking it might be another baby, I have to go, they called me hours ago."

"well can you call them back and ask, wouldn't they just tell you what the issue is?" Amelia asked still very confused

"No they wouldn't, look I'm sorry I really wish I could be there." Jo said rushing out the door "have fun!"


As jo headed out of the hospital, some cops were coming in, and they stopped her, we're looking for Jo Wilson, and Lucy- well from what we understand, she goes by Teddy Altman around here.

"oh uh yes I'm Jo Wilson" Jo said confused, "and I can-"

"okay well we need you to come with us" said the man.

"uhh okay" Jo said.

"And to make this easier, do you want to show us where Teddy might be?" said the cop

"uh yes, I can." Jo said getting scared, she realized something was really wrong, was it because she didn't show up the police station when she was suppose to? "she has a surgery scheduled right now, in OR 5, but she's probably busy you don't-"

They immediately marched into OR 5 to find that it was empty, "she knows, she's on the run, it's all a set up." said the shorter guy, Officer Growly, which was an odd last name considering he was short and dint have a very deep voice.

"yeah she's gone, our doctor here isn't going to be able to help us, Growley, why don't you take her back to the station, well have to get some more people, and have this place shut down and searched. Gosh, how did she figure it out" he said shaking his head.


officer Growley put Jo into the back of the cop car, and as they were driving Jo tried to ask questions, but he wouldn't tell her anything.

Jo realized that wherever they were going, it wasn't the police station in seattle because that had driven past both of them.

"I'm really sorry where are we going, you've passed-"

"Stop talking princess, I promise you're not being kidnapped or anything, I was just told not to tell you anything before we arrived." he paused, "I also don't think you're aware of the fact that I'm not a Seattle officer, I work with the FBI, I don't know how you missed that."

jo was confused on why he brought up her being kidnapped, but then she started to worry that she was being kidnapped and he was lying about all of this.

"Is this because I didn't show up to the police station earlier?" she asked.

"no" he said, its because you were supposed to show up so we could shuttle you to where we are going now, but you never did so it makes us a little suspicious with this situation, and it make us think you might even be in on-" he stopped

"what situation, what would I be in on? please tell me something!" Jo said starting to worry that maybe she was accidentally framed for a crime she didn't commit.

"I've maybe said too much. No more talking. shhhh." he said

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