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The chef scooped up a freshly grilled shrimp with his spatula and flipped it towards Micky, who caught it in her mouth. She put her hands up in the air as she shouted with her mouth still full of food, "Ah! Touch down!" I smiled and clapped at her small victory. Micky picked up her chopsticks and pointed them at Sabrina. "Her turn! hit her with a shrimp!"

"No. No thanks," Sabrina said with an eye roll. The chef picked up another piece though and tossed it in Sabrina's direction, but she shifted over slightly to dodge it. "I'm not trying to get hepatitis."

"I want hepatitis!" Ben gasped. His toothless smile grew on his face as he threw his hands up in the air.

"Coming your way, buddy!" Micky exclaimed.

Ben opened his mouth as the shrimp flew through the air. The seafood hit the side of his forehead and made a squishy noise, which made me cringe slightly.

"Alice, you want a go?" Micky asked me in excitement.

I shrugged. "Sure, but I'm deathly allergic to seafood."

Sabrina perked up at that as she turned to look at me with a smug smirk. "Good to know," she commented with a quirked brow.

I rolled my eyes while Micky just ignored Sabrina and pointed her chopsticks to me. "Chip's lady friend would like a broccoli thrown at her."

The chef nodded curtly and picked up a piece of broccoli. He tossed the vegetable into the air towards me, which I was able to catch in my mouth with ease. Micky laughed and clapped as the two of us pointed towards the other proudly. I think I liked Chip's aunt more than him and his siblings.

"Wow, you're good with your mouth," Chip spoke up. His eyes met mine and immediately widened once he realized what he had said. "Oh, I didn't mean it- That's not what- I was just trying to say-"

I placed my hand on his shoulder and shook my head with a tight lipped smile. "You're just making it worse."

His dark eyes glanced between my hand on his shoulder and then my eyes. His face turned bright, making me blush as well. I dropped my hand and looked away as I tried to ignore the weird feeling I was getting.

"This is awesome!" Micky exclaimed. She turned to look at the four of us. "Right, guys?"

I nodded in excitement. "I'm having a great time," I replied. "This place reminds me of this other restaurant my parents used to take me to in Bridgeport."

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