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Jimmy clipped a toenail off and disregarded it as it fell to the floor and became lost in the shaggy rug. He had been sprawled across the loveseat all morning and was really going at it with his mini pedicure. Alba, Chip, and Sabrina watched in disgust, while I had to force myself to look away so I wouldn't become sick. He really had no filter or human decency when it came to things like this. I couldn't really say I was surprised though.

Micky stormed into the living room and grabbed the remote off of the coffee table before shutting the television off. The romance channel was flicked off and returned to a black screen, causing the room to erupt into disappointment.

"Hey!" Jimmy exclaimed. He put his toenail clippers down for a moment.

"What the hell!" Sabrina asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you watching that?" Micky remarked. It was clear that she was pissed about something based off of her. "Is that why you were too busy to remember your little brother's birthday?"

"Oh, yikes," Chip breathed.

"Ay bendito," Alba added.

I laughed and shook my head. "Wow, you guys really suck."

Micky nodded in agreement as she threw her hands up in the air. "I mean, at least I'm new around here, you're his siblings."

"Hey, don't put this on us, okay?" Sabrina told her. "That was mom's job."

"So was paying taxes!" Micky reasoned. I snorted as I tried to hold back my laughter. This really wasn't something that was supposed to be funny but I just couldn't help it. "She wasn't doing a real bang-up job of that either! Seriously though, do you guys ever think about anybody but yourselves?"

"I think about Alice sometimes," Chip said with a shrug.

I nodded my head and pointed my finger towards him. "Valid answer, my friend."

"She's right," Jimmy chimed in. "You really dropped the ball on this one."

"I'm sorry, who is this derelict and why is he still here?" Sabrina asked sardonically.

Chip waved Jimmy away as he said, "Yeah, time to go home, dude."

"I second that," I added.

"Hey!" Micky snapped. "Back off. Jimmy's my guy and I say he stays." She turned to me and crossed her arms. "You've invaded this house too so I don't think you should be talking." I only sighed, knowing that she was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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