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"Whoa," Jimmy breathed. "What is the problem slugger?" I peered around the corner of the hallway wall and watched as Jimmy stumbled into Chip's bedroom. He had been acting weird all week since he was on some sort of personal growth mission to find a girl who would take his first kiss. The whole situation made me feel some sort of way.

After we were picked up from school today by Micky, Chip stormed off into his house. I followed him in secrecy but kept my distance because he seemed embarrassed or ashamed. I heard him throw his bag across the room and then shove a bunch of stuff off of his desk. It was obvious that he was in a mood because he had been rejected by two or three girls this week, while I watched and looked away from secondhand embarrassment and a bit of disappointment. I knew exactly how I felt and couldn't deny what emotions I was hiding, but I didn't want to admit anything yet.. Not to myself or anyone else.

"All the girls at my school are stupid trolls!"Chip spat. I rolled my eyes, taking offense to that. "Besides Alice, of course." I couldn't help my small smile. "But she's a different story and I don't wanna talk about her right now."

"Oh, well, you were smart to come to me," Jimmy told him. I heard his footsteps walk further into Chip's bedroom.

"I didn't," Chip replied. "You walked into my room."

"Yeah, either way," Jimmy sighed. "Tell me about these trolls, pal."

"They're.. they're not really trolls, okay? They're just.. They won't-" Chip sighed. It seemed like he was at a loss for words right now. "Okay, if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anybody." He sounded serious.

"Yeah, of course," Jimmy promised.

"Micky's right," Chip spoke quietly. "I never.. kissed girl.. ever."

"Oh," Jimmy hummed in response. It was already obvious to everyone though.

"I tried to do it like Kai, but they all treated me like I had friggin' aids," Chip explained. My lips twitched up into a smile as I feigned my laughter.

"Okay, that's ignorant and insensitive," Jimmy reasoned with him. "But I get how it feels to be rejected. Trust me, alright.. And Kai, he's so good looking- I wouldn't mind taking a run at him myself." I cringed at his words. "He is really giving your aunt and I a jump-start in the bedroom."

"Oh, gross, dude! Know your audience," Chip said in disgust.

"I'm sorry," Jimmy sighed. "Look, all I'm saying is, you got to be yourself, okay? Forget Kai and his looks. You've got things that he doesn't have, right? You got to play to those, play to your strengths."

"Right, play to my strengths," Chip agreed. "Thank you, Jimmy."

"Yeah," Jimmy spoke. "No problem." I heard him stand up and walk out of Chip's room, so I ducked behind the wall again. I sighed and decided to head downstairs and start working on my homework, leaving Chip with Jimmy's surprisingly decent words of encouragement and his own thoughts.

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