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My fingers hovered over the doorbell as I stood outside of the Pemberton's mansion, debating on whether I should follow through with Evelyn's request for me during breakfast. Part of me wanted to join them because I didn't want to be, while the other part of me was nervous to decline her offer. I was worried that she would hunt me down or something. She was a monstrosity of evil. Evelyn was worse than Sabrina because she actually instilled fear. Speaking of Sabrina, I wouldn't mind watching her get slapped a couple more times. As much as if shocked me yesterday, it just felt like she was finally put in her place.. plus, I really enjoyed watching her smug face drop to one of pain and surprise. The whole scene was quite humorous to me as I replayed it in my mind again.

Ding! Dong!

I yanked my finger away from the doorbell and stared at my own hand as if it betrayed me. I had about twenty to thirty seconds to decide whether I should just ding-dong-ditch, but before I could even debate the idea, the front door swung open and Evelyn stood right before me in pearls and another blazer. This time, it was black. Her wrinkled face was painted over with makeup. Her lips widened as her arms outstretched to wrap around me. "Oh, Alice, I'm so glad you could join us this morning," she spoke happily. Her expensive perfume reeked of a flowery scent that gave me a headache. I felt like this hug was a trap, like she was a snake and I was her prey.

"Good morning Ms. Pemberton," I replied, matching her happy tone. My mother would be proud of me for not being rude to the rich for once. Before we moved to Greenwich, she lectured me for about a week on her to act and what to say. It was like torture. She even wanted to change the way I dressed, but I stood my ground on that one.

When Evelyn finally released me, she glanced up and down my body before returning her eyes back to mine. "That's a very.. interesting outfit you have on," she said.

I glanced down at my Converse that she was eyeing and feigned a smart remark. "Thanks," I replied simply. If she was Sabrina, I would've released all hell on her.

"Follow me to the dining room, dear, everyone is already eating," Evelyn informed me as she led me into the other room. I spotted Chip and sent him a smile. Evelyn pulled out the chair at the head of the table across from the Colonel. "As our guest, you can sit here," she said kindly.

I was surprised by her gesture. "Oh, thank you," I replied. I sent her a curt nod before taking my seat. Chip and I made eye contact. I could tell he had something to tell me because he was trying to communicate with his eyes. Whatever it was, it was definitely about his grandmom.

Evelyn grabbed a bowl from the kitchen and returned to the dining room. She stood between Chip and the Colonel as she set it down with a sigh. I watched as Chip reached for some bacon, but was hit on his hand by a wooden spoon. "That's the Colonel's bacon," Evelyn spat. "You can have bacon when you earn bacon." Sabrina feigned her laughter as she brought a mug up to her lips and took a sip of some coffee. "You children have been spoiled rotten. I mean, for goodness' sake, Ben is the only one of you with any manners!" Evelyn glanced over to me. "You're a dear, Alice."

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