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Milk dripped down the chiseled abs of the hunk of a man, who was stood in the kitchen of the Pemberton's mansion. Alba and Micky watched with lust-filled eyes as he drank straight from the carton and allowed white beads to fall from his boxers and to the floor. They were like hungry dogs, basically drooling on the scene. Chip and I wore the same uncaring expression, but still watched the buff man in distaste. I caught him glancing over to me every once in awhile, probably making sure that I wasn't checking out the other man. Even Ben seemed fascinated by him. He was quite literally a hot commodity right now.

"Good morning everybody," Jimmy greeted as he walked into the dining room. I was surprised that he was still here, but he was—apparently—Micky's boyfriend, who didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. Alba shushed him and attempted to swatted him away as he reached for food on the table. "Who the hell is this clown?"

The man finally stopped chugging milk to introduce himself, "Hi, I'm Kai."

"He's my boyfriend," Sabrina elaborated as she walked into the room. She looked Jimmy up and down. "Who are you?"

"Well, I'm-"

Jimmy was cut off by Kai, who wrapped his arm around Sabrina's waist and began making out with her. Chip shivered and groaned in disgust by the sight of his sister making out with some random guy she claimed to be her boyfriend.

"I'm.. Jimmy," he finished his sentence but no one seemed to care.

Micky moved Ben's head out of her sight just so she could continue to stare at Kai and Sabrina making out. "My goodness," she breathed. "They are really going for it, huh?" Kai grabbed Sabrina's butt as she jumped up onto him. The couple then walked off into the other room, still making out with each other.

"So much for the milk," I remarked.

"He could've spat in that milk and I'd still drink it," Micky said. I cringed and shook my head at the thought.

Alba perked up a bit. "Do you think there's any left?" She asked with wide eyes full of hope.

"You two are desperate," I said while taking a bite of my toast. I stood up with a mug full of coffee and wandered into the living room with Chip following after me. We both sat down on one of the solo chairs next to each other. Chip turned on the television and let a random channel play. After a minute or two, Micky and Jimmy joined us, along with Ben.

The Pemberton mansion was strangely peaceful for once, but nothing like this ever lasted too long here. Before we could all relish in the silence, laughter was heard from upstairs. It wasn't the type of laugh you would make when something was funny though. Then, the sound of a bed frame slamming against the wall and Sabrina's moans were heard. The noises were loud and it was obvious that everyone was trying hard to ignore it.

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