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A/n: sorry if I mess up anything in this chapter about mcc, I'm not that familiar with it

Y/n: hey guys! Are we ready to win
Phil: yessir
Techno: is this my first time talking to y/n? No it isn't. The first time I talked to y/n, she talked about committing arson, which is pretty pog
Phil: WHAT?
Y/n: I committed arson to the white house
Phil: again... WHAT
Y/n: oops, but I swear I'm responsible now Phil. I'm the mother of the group
Clay: that she's true about
Phil: it's a pain taking care of them isn't it?
Y/n: tell me about it
Techno: wait do you and dream live together
Y/n: mhm, with Sapnap and George
Clay: yeah
Phil: y/n I feel very sorry for you and niki
Y/n: yes I know, our lives are so hard living with three other boys each
Y/n: oh god. Again before this starts I'm sorry I'm probably gonna bring the team down since it's my first mcc
Clay: please the first time you came over you did parkour warrior and beat it in under like 7 minutes
Y/n: guess so
Our characters ran into the voting arena and were put into boxes. I looked around and saw wills team and crouched up and down punching the air. He did the same and then I saw tommy and Toby spamming my name in the chat

Tommyinnit: Y/N HELLO
Tubbo_: HIII
Y/n_l/n: HEY KIDS
Tommyinnit: hello mum!
Tubbo_: hello mumma!
Punz: KIDS?! WTF
Dream: LOLLL
GeorgeNotFound: LOLLLL

Techno: what the hells happening in chat?
Y/n: people are getting confused because I called tommy and tubbo my kids
Techno: HEH
Clay:this is gonna be interesting
Phil: right what game do we want?
Techno: ummm y/n, you pick
Y/n: what why me? Umm I guess let's just get skyblockle outta the way
Clay: okay!
The whole team then threw in their voting chickens to skyblockle, and many other people did too. Oh god here we go
Game chosen is... Skyblockle!
We were getting teleported to our island. I kind of blanked out for a moment because I was too busy calming myself down, I looked at chat and saw them all encoring us, which put me at ease. I'm so nervous, my hands are shaking. Alright y/n, deep breaths, you're gonna be alright. It's just a game
Clay: y/n? Hello?
Y/n: huh, what?
Clay: you ok?
Y/n: yeah yeah I'm good, I was just uh reading chat
Techno: alright. We have fruitberries on our left and we have wilburs team on our right. What's the game plan nerds
Phil: y/n, can you be cobble girl?
Y/n: yessir
Phil: okay perfect, y/n you get cobble and bridge to mid. Dream, techno and I will go loot around and meet you in kid yeah?
Y/n: okie dokie
I grabbed a water bucket and a lava bucket. I placed the lava bucket against a wall and quickly put the water bucket a block away. Perfect, it's creating cobble. I stood there breaking cobble, until I realised, why do we need cobble? We literally have concrete
Y/n: uhh guys, why am I getting cobble again? Don't we have concrete?
Clay: oh true
Y/n: this is a philza minecraft moment
Phil: oh shit, oops
Y/n: I'm bridging to mid, are you guys coming?
Techno: yeah I have a iron sword for you
Clay: I have some food for you
Phil: I have armour
Y/n: bet I'm bridging right now
Clay: bridge SAFELY y/n
Y/n: please I am a master at speed brid- OH SHIT
Techno: what? Did you fall?!
Y/n: I'm good, I clutched. Okay let's not speed bridge now
Phil: smart move
I bridged to mid and we were the first ones there. I quickly ran around and looted all the chests. I found two diamond swords, gapples, potions, lots of food, an anvil and a trident
Y/n: holy shit, umm I have two diamond swords who wants them?
Clay: I'll take one
Y/n: okay and who wants the other one?
Clay: you keep it m'lady
Y/n: oh ok
I stood in the middle and looted a bit more until I saw techno
Y/n: techno!
Techno: hallo
Y/n: would you like a trident or an anvil?
Techno: trident
I dropped the trident and he gave me a crossbow. I picked it up and started to build up. Once I had gotten a good position I saw nick and decided to mess with him. I muted myself and whispered to my chat "watch this" before unmuting and firing many crossbow shots onto nick. After 6 shots he was dead
Sapnap died while running away from y/n_l/n
Clay: HAHA you killed sapnap! What a noob
I laughed to myself before bridging out towards the middle of the border. My mouse slipped and I started to fall directly into a full team. MLG clutched I placed lava down and started to hit them with my sword. Shit shit, I have three and a half hearts left! Okay gaps, gaps. Thank god for gaps
Tommyinnit was slain by y/n_l/n
Tubbo_ was slain by y/n_l/n
The_Eret was burned to a crisp fighting y/n_l/n
Quackity was burned to a crisp fighting y/n_l/n
Phil: uhh what the hell happened y/n?
Y/n: I was bridging and them my mouse slipped, causing me to fall into a full team. Then I clutched
Techno: POGGG
Clay: okay this is the last team! Umm who is it? Oh it's George's team
Y/n: oh there's only three of them, I killed sapnap early game
Techno: okay we got this
We all jumped into mid and started to fight George's team. It was a hard match because we lost Phil and i early fight but clay and Techno clutched meaning we won
Clay: lets gooo!
Y/n: whoop whooop!
Techno: best duo on earth!!
Phil: poggggg
The next round started and I started to bridge, my hands were shaking even more while I was bridging which caused me to..
Y/n_l/n didn't want to be in the same world as everyone else
Y/n: for fucks sake man!
Ughhh stupid shaking hands. I leant back in my chair while my hands covered my face in embarrassment. I leaned back even more causing my chair to tip over, resulting in me falling onto the ground
Y/n: oh shit
Clay: what the hell? Y/n you good?
Techno: what the heck happened? It sounded like something got shot
Phil: *laughing* y/n?
There was a minute of silence until I got back up onto my chair and rolled it towards my mic
Y/n: I'm good, but I think I broke something
Clay: what the hell happened?
Y/n: I fell
Techno: yeah we know, we saw in chat
Phil: no *laughing* techno she means in real life
User6 donated $85: you good man?
I muted my mic
Y/n: chat I'm alright, I promise. Thank you so much for the dono user6
Mic unmuted
-2 hours later-
We were currently in first place with fruitberries, krinios, vikkstar and h-bomb in second. It was the last round of hole in the wall and Phil and I had come first in the last two rounds. There were currently 4 people left. Me, Phil, h-bomb and toby. The walls were getting faster and harder to jump through
Phil: oh shit
Clay: good job Phil! You did so good though man!
I got through a lot of the ones I didn't think I was gonna get through but I ended up getting pushed off the platform
Techno: you got third! POGG
Y/n: thank you!
We were watching the h-bomb and Toby jump through the walls and they were doing really good. There was one minute left on the clock and the both of them were jumping through the holes like it was nothing. The timer hit 30 second mark and h-bomb fell off, meaning... TOBY WON

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