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Clays POV
I walk over and see that y/n fell asleep on my bed. She looked exhausted ever since we met her. I feel so sorry for her all the time, how much more can she take? I've hardly seen her upset, how can she always have a smile on her face? I just wanna give her a hug. Maybe I'll put her into bed *he gently picks you up and puts you onto his bed and puts the blanket on top of you* should i sleep next to her or go downstairs? Well I'm not that tired so I guess I'll just scroll through Twitter? I don't know man, oh wait maybe the boys are awake? I'll text George,
*Clay texts George*
Clay: hey are you and nick awake?
George: nah I'm about to sleep man, I think nicks already asleep I can here him snoring lol
Clay: oh lol, wait I need to ask you a question
George: shoot
Clay: okay so y/n was watching us play MCC in my room and she fell asleep on my bed and like I put the blankets over her. Should I sleep next to her or downstairs?
George: omg you idiot. Just sleep next to her! It's your chance ;), goodnight claaayyyyy, good luck!!
Clay: oh my god frick you George. Goodnight
What am I supposed to do now?! My only hope is being a dumbass! I guess I'll just sleep next to her, but I'll just be on my phone for a bit I'm not tired
—5 minutes later—
I was scrolling through Twitter and looking at some tweets everyone had tweeted. *y/n slowly opens her eyes and slowly gets up*
Y/n: clay? You're stil awake?
Clay: yeah I couldn't sleep
Y/n: oh my- I'm in your room I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep here *she starts getting off the bed to go to her room but clay puts his hand on hers causing her to stop*
Clay: hey hey it's ok! You can continue sleeping here
Y/n: y-you sure?
Clay: yeah of course! Go back to sleep
Y/n: *yawns* okay thanks *she slowly drifts of to sleep*
*yawns* I'm getting tired I'll head to sleep
Normal POV
*clay gets ready for bed and carefully gets into bed next to y/n. Y/n turns over and puts her hand over clay and turns it into a cuddle*
I'm starting to dream about something. I'm in a dark hallway, it kind of looks like a haunted house.. where am I? Wait there's a tall black figure in front of me. Who is that? I can't stop walking! What's happening! Stop y/n! Stop walking! As I'm getting closer as closer to the figure I'm starting to see more of its features. It's a man, looks about 25, he is so tall, he has a strong posture and looks a bit like slender man, but he has fingers and a normal face. What's he getting out of his pocket? Is that a gun!? Oh no! Oh no! Run y/n! Why can't I run? I'm getting closer and closer to him. No! No! Don't shoot me please! *the gun gets shot but y/n wakes up as soon as it the bullet gets closer to her*
Normal POV
*y/n sits up straight gasping for air*
She thinks to herself,"oh my god what the hell was that dream? I hated that! Did I wake up clay? *she turns to the side and sees clay sleeping peacefully* okay phew I didn't wake him up"
*shes gets out of clays bed and walks out of his room downstairs to get a glass of water. She grabs a glass from the cupboard and fills it with water*
Y/n: oh my god I hated that! What time is it? *she checks the clock* it's 3am..I need to clear my mind. There's a beach near this house I'll go on a walk (because why not, totally done that before)
*y/n leaves the house and puts on her headphones and listens to music while walking to the beach and without anyone knowing*
Clay POV
I woke up and checked the time and it was 6am, I look over to see if y/n was awake and she was gone. I just assumed that she was downstairs or in her room. I got up and got ready for the day and headed to y/n's room...she isn't there. I head downstairs and look around, she isn't there.. I'm starting to get worried. I'll go ask if George or nick have seen her *clay heads upstairs to George room*
George: *wakes up in a hurry* OH MY GOD WHAT I WAS SLEEPING
George: she's probably in her room or downstairs
Clay: she isn't anywhere! I've checked!
George: oh..
*nick walks in rubbing is eyes like he just woke up*
Nick: what's all this ruckus!
George: we can't find y/n! *he says while walking out of bed towards nick and clay*
Nick: what!
*everyone hears the door opening and closing*
Clay: y/n! *everyone rushes down the stairs*
She sees everyone running towards her
Y/n: h-hi
George: where'd you go!
Y/n: o-on a-a walk
Nick: wait a minute..why does it look like you've been crying..?
Y/n: what! I-I haven't been crying?
Clay walks up closer to you and moves the hair out of your face* clay: yes you have...
George: what happened y/n? You can talk to us
Y/n: nothing happened! I'm fine guys! There was just something in my eye on the way home and it made my eyes water! I'm completely ok! *you start walking away but clay grabs your hand and picks you up and puts you on the couch*
Nick: smooth clay
Clay: thank you, anyways back to you y/n, what's wrong ?why have you been crying?
Y/n: nothings wrong! That's what I have been trying to tell you guys! I'm perfectly fine!
Clay: no you're not y/n
Y/n: yes I'm completely okay! Nothings wrong with me and I definitely didn't have a dream about someone shooting me last night! *you cover your mouth after realising what you said* shit!
George: what! You had a dream bout someone shooting you?
Y/n: yea..but it was just a dream
Nick: well are you ok?
Y/n: Yeah I'm okay!
Clay: that's not normal y/n, having a dream about someone killing you
Nick: true, I don't think you're okay..
Y/n: maybe I'm not *you get up and walk to your room and close the door behind you*

𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐮'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 , 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆Where stories live. Discover now