-in the morning- Y/n POV: When I woke up in the morning, I was wrapped into clays arms. He was holding me as if I was going to run away. It felt nice. I picked up my phone and checked the time it was 8:03am, our zip lining didn't start until 10:30, but we had decided to have breakfast that morning, so it was time to wake up. Y/n: baby, baby Clay slowly opens his eyes and in his morning voice he says Clay: morning baby Y/n: it's time to get up Clay: but I'm comfy Y/n: I'm sowwy, but don't you wanna go zip lining? Clay: I do but I would rather stay her with my girlfriend End y/n POV Y/n places a kiss on his cheek before getting out of his hold. You walk towards the bathroom and brush your teeth before walking out and seeing clay sitting on the edge of the bed running his hands through his hair Y/n: do you wanna help me wake everyone up? Clay:thought you'd never ask.Can I wake up nick and George You nod your head and he runs out of your room to wake up nick and George. You walk towards tommy and Toby's room. Opening the door, you see the two of them sleeping peacefully holding their stuffed animals close to their chest. Walking over you quietly say Y/n: boys time to wake up Tommy: no fuck off Y/n: aww I thought you wanted to go zip lining today...oh well enjoy your sleep Tommy and Toby: zip lining?! The two of them jump out of bed at the speed of light and start to jump up and down like monkeys Y/n: we are gonna eat before we go there, so get ready soon please boys Toby: okay! Y/n: thank youu You walk out of the room to wake up Niki and will. When you enter their room you see he two of them still sleeping peacefully Y/n: wake up bitches Will: no fuck off Niki: hey! Don't speak like that to y/n, we have things planned for today wake your ass up wilby Will: fine Y/n: listen to your girlfriend bitchboy Will flips you off and you enter your room to start getting ready. Grabbing your clothes out of the suitcase, you head to shower. Soon after you hear a knock on the door Clay: y/n? Can I come in to brush my teeth Y/n: sure He walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. He starts to brush his teeth, while you continue to have your shower Clay: I'm gonna go shower downstairs okay? Y/n: okay 3 minutes later you finally get out of the shower and get dressed
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You put your hair into a bun and put on some eyeliner and mascara. You walk out of the bathroom and see clay sitting outside on the balcony on his phone. You sneak up behind him and place your hands on his shoulders and scream "boo" Clay: AHHH, oh my god y/n! He places his hands on his chest while hyperventilating. You start to laugh and hold you stomach leaning against the door Y/n: sorry bubs Clay looks you dead in the eye before standing up and running towards you. You start to run around your room and juke him so he can't catch you. But because he is so freaking tall he eventually catches you. Grabbing you by your waist, he pulls you closer to him and lays you down on the bed. He then starts to tickle to, you start to let out a serious of laughs and he is wheezing but still tickling you Y/n: I'm sorry! *laughing and taking breaths in* please let me be Clay: tell me you love mee Y/n: I love you Clay: I love you too He bends down and kisses your forehead before let you stand up and catch you breath. You walk downstairs to see tommy and Toby sitting down watching tv Y/n: happy birthday bee boy Toby: thank you momma! Tommy: I already gave him is present I'm the best! Toby: he got me this bee plushie and some minecraft themed things. Most of them bee related I love it Niki: well here are y/n and our presents tubs She hands him two gift bags, one purple and one yellow. Your one if yellow while nikis is purple. He opens nikis first to see hoodies and a miniature version of his minecraft skin Toby: thank you niki! He then moves onto your gift bag and opens it revealing the one and only strawberry dress Toby: no way! I've always wanted this! Thank you y/n! He gets up and runs towards you and niki giving the two of you a big hug Y/n: anything for my favourite boy He runs upstairs and places his new gifts on tommy and his bed before running downstairs to see everyone waiting to go eat breakfast Will: we ready kiddos? Nick: hey! Do not steal parent title from y/n. Will: my bad Will puts his hands up to show he is sorry George: I'm hungry Y/n: I swear to god George I will push you off the platform when we go zip lining if you do not shut the fuck up George: geez sorry Y/n: right, kids you have everything? Tommy: yes mrs president You nod your head before walking out the door and making your way to the city centre.(MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN, sorry It just came to my mind). While your walking, nick runs up next to you and taps your shoulder Y/n: yeah? Nick:Hii! Y/n: hi what's up? Nick: I'm getting bored over there, so I guess I would hang with you cause you're cool y'know? Y/n: yeah obviously I'm cool. Swag You put up a peace sign and scrunch your face Nick: okay very serious question Y/n: yes? Nick: can you PLEASE be on our side? Like I will do anything plus it gives me bragging rights Y/n: I'll have a talk with Niki at breakfast Nick: yay! Tommy: hi guys! Y/n: tommy hi! Nick: tommy Tommy: y/n Y/n: yeah? Tommy: I GOT TWO MILL ON YOUTUBE Letting out a huge gasp and your eyes growing wide you give tommy a hug Y/n: congrats tommy! I'm so proud you Nick: congrats dude! PogChamp Tommy: thanks Big S The three of you continue to walk towards the restaurant laughing with each other since tommy and nick have the SAME sense of humour. Finally you arrive to the restaurant and take a seat. Clay sits next to you while George sits next to him, nick next to George. Niki sits infront of you, Will next to her,tommy next to him and tubbo on the end Y/n: Vice President Niki: yes? Says in secret language: Y/n: nick wants us to join their side because he wants bragging rights Niki: interesting, do you want to? Y/n: what if we do something very good for sadist Niki: tell me more when we are on the way back Back to normal English Will: you guys still scare me when you do that. You speak it like it's your first language, are you sure you don't use it to talk shit? Y/n: when did we ever say we don't use it to talk shit? Tommy: oh fuck Toby: are you guys excited for zip lining! George: we are going zip lining?! Y/n: didn't clay tell you when you got woken up? Clay: let's umm not te- Nick: no? He was like "wake your ass up before I beat the sh-" He gets shushed by clay placing his hand over his mouth Tommy: HA HA HA HA. No way, nice work big d Clay: I told you to stop calling me that tommy Tommy: why? Clay: because it makes me uncomfortable and I have expressed that tommy Tommy: okay I'm sorry.. small d You whisper under your breath "well you're not wrong". Niki's head instantly looks up at you and she can see that your joking so she starts to laugh her ass of and since her laugh his contagious you start to laugh along with her Clay: what did you say y/n? Niki: nothing don't worry, but y/n are you serious? You look at her and shrug Niki: oh my Clay: what are you two laughing about!? Y/n: don't worry Clay: tell meee! He starts to poke the side of your body and you move slightly away with each poke Y/n: that hurts George: y/n, so about that neighbour of yours Y/n: yeah? George: have you got her number? Y/n: *chuckles* give me your phone George: thank you! He passes you his phone and you put in alexas number Toby: what's going on? You pass him back his phone Y/n: gogy here has a little crush on my neighbour back home Niki: alexa? Y/n: yeah Clay: George? You have a crush? The poor fans Will: that's what I said!