⚠️Mentions of self harm⚠️
Y/n POV:
Y/n: Niki! Their voices *wheezing* I can't
Niki: I know! *she's laughing as hard as you* my stomach I can't
Y/n: what is this place Niki?
Niki: my secret bunker, no one knows about this
Y/n: what an honour!
You look through the chests to see every single chest filled to the brim with multiple op items (use techno's bunker from the recent war as a visual image)
Y/n: holy shit! Niki how much free time do you have?
Niki: don't tell anyone bout this
Y/n: I promise I won't
Niki: you can take whatever you need
Y/n: bet, let's get outta here before someone sees us
You quickly suit up and get everything necessary. You two head out of the base making sure no one saw youNormal POV:
Dream: Niki, y/n vc?
Y/n_l/n: okay which one?
Tommy: VC2Niki and y/n join vc2
Niki: hello?
Will: Niki!
Niki: will!
Y/n: did you need something dream?
Dream: where are you?
Y/n: Niki and I are walking to L'manburg
Tommy: okay
You and Niki finally get to everyone else
George: wot!? How'd you i get full nether rite?!
You laugh
Y/n: I have my ways
Everyone turns to dream
Clay: don't look at me! I was with you the whole time!
Niki: when are the elections being held?
Will: tomorrow 10am, the voting polls will be closed
Niki: we will speak then gentlemen
Y/n: farewell
Nihachu and y/n_l/n have disconnected
You and Niki run downstairs, sitting down to watch a movie. Just then you get an call from Samantha, one of your friends
Y/n: hey Sam, what's up?
Sam: y/n, I'm really worried about my parents
Y/n: oh no what's wrong?
Sam: there's a big hurricane warning in LA and that's where my parents live
Y/n: hey it's alright! It'll be ok
Sam spends a long time talking about how worried she is, Niki also trying to calm her down occasionally. Sam was the type of friend that really never contacted unless she needed a person to talk to. You didn't mind, so you just let it happen.
Y/n: are you listening to the radio? Because if you are then th-
Sam: yes I am listening to the radio y/n! I'm listening to it to make sure I don't hear my mums name, or my dads name or ally's name! (Her sister)
Y/n: I'm listening too Sam, do you not think I know how this feels?
Just then everyone finishes there streams and walks downstairs
You had your volume all the way up, so everyone heard what Sam just said
Y/n: thanks Samantha, thanks.
You end the call and run upstairs to your room holding back tears
Tommy: what the fuck just happened?
Niki: one of her "friends" called her and started ranting to her about how terrified she was about the weather warnings and then y/n asks if she's listening to the radio, and before she could finish what she was saying, Sam says that she is and gets all mad at her. If Sam had listened she would've heard y/n say "because if you are then, you should go into *insert news channel* because they have more info and stuff. But noo she says to y/n what you heard
Clay: that's fucked up..
Nick: what the hell is wrong with everyone and making y/n feel like shit?
Toby: I don't like seeing her sad, it doesn't suit her face
Niki: I'm gonna make her some food, clay can you check on her?
Clay: okay
He runs upstairs and knocks on y/n's door
Y/n POV:
After hearing what Sam just said to me, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I ran upstairs locking myself in the bathroom, sliding down the door crying..unable to breathe..gasping for air. I don't know why I'm crying so much, it's just that, I miss both of my parents, they were my rock..now they're gone. I have Niki and she's like the sister I never had. But it feels so different without my parents. I don't want to put my burden on anyone else so I did the only other thing that relieves my stress. I promised Niki I would stop but..she doesn't need to know..
Normal POV:
Y/n sits there for 5 minutes hurting herself, even though she knows she shouldn't. It's the only thing that's going to help her. She gets scared by someone knocking on her door, and then by the voice of clay coming closer and closer to the bathroom door. She quickly panics, hiding the bL@#e, wiping any blood, wiping tears, putting on a hoodie and making sure she looked like she had just been crying..nothing else
Clay: y/n?
Y/n: *sniffle* y-yeah
Clay: can I come in?
She opens the door a little bit, indicating he is allowed to come in. Clay opens the door quietly and walks inside shutting the door behind him. He takes a seat in front of y/n. Y/n has her hood up looking down at the ground
Clay: talk to me cutie
You stifle a laugh because of his stupid nickname
Y/n: nothing to talk about. Me just getting sad over hearing what Sam said, that's all
Clay: don't listen to her
He brings you into his lap, taking the hood off your head and starts to play with your hair. You look at him and smile
Clay: there we go! A smile! Yay
He leans down and kisses you. After he pulls away, he wipes the tears off your face. You get up and he does the same. You both get out of the hot, stuffy bathroom and into your cool room
Clay: why are you wearing a hoodie! It's hot as hell outside
Y/n: I don't know, I guess I'm kinda cold
Clay: you're gonna get sick y/n
Y/n: I can't get sick by wearing a hoodie!
Clay: you can get sick by wearing a hoodie when it's literally 45 degrees Celsius outside (which is like veryyyyy very hot for a temperature)
Clay starts walking towards you to take the hoodie off. You know he won't stop till he gets what he wants so you give in. You try to hide the cuts as much as you can while he takes of the hoodie
Y/n: there, hoodie is off. Now can we go downstairs?
Clay: what's the rush about cutie?
Y/n: I'm not rushing
Clay: okay then if you aren't, let's stay here for a bit
Y/n: okay..
Clay picks you up and places you on the bed. He places you down and lays on your stomach. You start to run your hair through is dirty blond hair
Clay: so you gonna tell me where those cuts are from?
Y/n: what cuts?
Clay: don't act dumb y/n
You go very silent. Placing your hands right above where clay is laying
Y/n: I-I'm sorry clay..I didn't know what to do
Clay: can you make a promise?
Y/n: okay
Clay: promise to never hurt yourself ever again
Y/n: I-I don't know clay, I can't make an exact promise. I promised Niki the same thing
Clay: well then promise you will talk to me whenever you have a problem
Y/n: that I can promise, but I also promise to try and stop
Clay: thank you :)
Your wrists are hurting because of what you did, so your hands start to shake. You put your hands under your bottom, hoping clay doesn't notice
Clay: it's ok y/n, that happens
You smile at him and squish his cheeks together
Y/n: you're so adorable
Clay: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! You really mean that?
Y/n: obviously dum dum
He pouts his lips because his heart just melted
Y/n: I need to go tell Niki I'm alright before she freaks out even more

𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐮'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 , 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] Dream x reader My first story :) Is briefly edited but if you find any major problems comment!