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You, Clay, Niki and Toby get out of the car and greet Will, Tommy, Nick and George
Tommy: tubbo, I'm sorry for being a dick..
Toby: tommy, it's alright! I'm sorry for umm
Tommy: tubbo, there's nothing you need to apologise for! I'm in the wrong here. I was just being a really bad fr-
He gets interrupted by tubbo giving him a huge hug and he smiles and hugs him back
Toby: I love you tommy, you're my best friend :) (In a best friend way because I don't shop them , that's disgusting)
Tommy: I love you too tubbo, you're my best friend too
Y/n: Awhhhhhh my heartttttt
Everyone starts walking into the restaurant when a random girl comes and taps you and Niki on the shoulder
Y/n: hi! Can we help you?
Random girl: I-I need your help
Niki: what's wrong hun?
Random girl: do you see those three guys walking towards us?
Y/n: yeah
Random girl: that's my ex and his friends, but my ex is abusive and I don't want to go back to him. Please save me
Y/n: hey hey it's ok, what's your name?
Random girl: S-Sophie
Niki: Sophie, it's alright love. We will keep you safe
Y/n: I promise he won't get you
The group of boys walk up to you, Niki and y/n. The ex's name is chad, his blond haired friend is Ryan and his blue haired friend his Noah.
Chad: hi girls
Y/n: hi.
Clay POV:
Clay: guys where are y/n and Niki?
George: I'm not sure, I saw them outside with some girl
Will: I'll come with you to check on you
Clay: alright
Will and Clay get up from their seats and start to head to the door
Normal POV:
Chad: Sophie! There you are, I've been worried babe! Come on let's go home *he goes to grab Sophie's hand but Niki steps in front of her*
Ryan: Are we gonna have a problem here ladies?
Niki: I don't know, y/n are we? *she says while cracking her knuckles*
Y/n: I don't know Niki, we might *she says while cracking her neck*
Noah: oooh the girls wanna fight? I'm sorry but I don't think that'll be possible. Women can fight
Y/n: *laughs* wanna bet?
Chad: Gladly
Chad goes to punch you put you grab his hand and twist it down elbowing him in face. Ryan goes to slap Niki but she grabs his fingers and bends them backwards. Just as you two are fighting, Will and Clay walk out to see their girlfriends fighting three guys much larger than them. Noah then starts running for Sophie but you and Niki run i front of him making him fall onto his face
Y/n: scram before we need to start getting on hospital terms assholes
*All three boys run away with bruises over them. Chad with a fractured wrist, Ryan with dislocated fingers and Noah with a broken nose*
Sophie: thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?
Y/n: by taking our phone numbers and anytime you need us, text or call
Sophie: gladly!
You give Sophie your number and Niki does the same. Sophie texts you guys to make sure you have the right numbers and she calls her sister to come and pick her up. You and Niki wait till her sister get to the restaurant and until Sophie and her sister hav driven away safely. You turn around to go into the restaurant but see your boyfriends standing there, shocked with jaws wide open
Y/n: what?
Will: What do you mean what?!
Clay: you just fought guys wayyyyy bigger than you
Niki: okay?
Will: women scare me sometimes
Y/n and Niki: good. You should be scared of us
Clay: wait till tommy hears about this. His respect is gonna go sky high
You and Niki start laughing while you all walk to the table
Nick: what happened?
Niki and y/n: just fought three men, feeling good
Tommy: WHAT!? WHAT?!
Toby: tommy said that!
Nick: wait wait wait.. THREE GUYS?!
George: what happened? Tell us exactly
Y/n: oh my god! It's not a big deal, it was just girls helping girls
Clay: y/n. You could've died!
Y/n: did I?
Clay: w-well no but
Niki: seriously guys, it's not like this is the first fight we have been
Will: of course it hasn't been the first fucking fight you guys have been in
Y/n: can you two give it a rest? Me and Niki can take care of ourselves.
Niki: yeah
Waiter: hey guys, are we ready to order?
Everyone orders their food and drinks. You and Niki are mad at Will and Clay because of how much they were babying you
—time skip—
Waiter: alright I have the 2 chocolate milkshakes, 2 cokes, an iced tea, iced coffee and two vanilla milkshakes
She passes out everyone's drinks
Waiter: I'll be right back with your food
She goes back to the kitchen bringing dishes out
Waiter: alright I have the chicken schnitzel with fries and salad. *she places it in front you* the hamburger? *she places it in front of clay* the chicken Alfredo? *she places it in front of Will* two fried rice? *she places one in front of tommy and the other one in front of toby* chicken wings? *she places it in front of nick* fish and chips? *she places it in front of George* and the meat pie? *she places it in front of niki*
You all start eating your food and Niki occasionally takes fries and pieces of vegetables off your plate because the serving size is at too big for you. Most of the dinner, you and Niki were very quiet and only whispered to each other. After the bill was paid, you and Niki started walking outside, talking about old childhood memories. In the background you could both hear Will and Clay calling out your names, but you both didn't want to talk to anyone at this point but each other. So you ignored everyone. George, Nick, Will, Clay, Tommy and even Toby.

𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐧𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐮'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 , 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆Where stories live. Discover now