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Clay POV:
Clay: look y/n, please just listen to me
You nod your head and let him continue
Clay: I'm really sorry about acting that way last night. I know you are really tough, even tougher than me if I'm being honest. But I was just scared, because..
He looks into your eyes and you can see him getting very upset
Clay: because I didn't wanna loose you.. I finally found someone who I love very much and I don't want to lose her
He looks down at the floor. You use your finger to tilt his chin up, and he has tears in his eyes, you wipe the tears off his face and give him a huge hug. He hugs you back
Y/n: you won't ever lose me clay
Clay pulls back from the hug and smiles at you
Y/n: oh come here
You cup his face and kiss him, you can feel his smile through the kiss he gives back
Clay: so am I forgiven?
Y/n: yes silly
Clay: I missed your goofy personality
Y/n: oh shut up
You pretend to be mad at him, so you get up and start walking towards the door. He runs up and grabs your arm and spins your around. He has his hands on your hips,while your hands are on his chest
Clay: you can't get rid of me thattt easily
Y/n: suree
Clay: I'm very hard to get rid of, it's one of my many talents
Y/n: that's not a talent dumbass
You say while gently tapping his forehead
Y/n: alright now I need to go, let go
Clay: make me
Y/n: what?
Clay: make me let go
You put your hands on his shoulders and wrap them around his neck. You lean closer to him,as if you were gonna kiss him again,but instead you kicked his shin with the heel of your shoe
Clay: OWWW!Y/n! What the hell?!
Y/n: you told me to make you let go so I did!
Clay gets upset and pouts his lips, crosses his arms and faces his back to you
Y/n: awww is someone sadd
You go behind him and hug him. You kiss his cheek
Y/n: I'm sowwy🥺🥺 can you pwease forgive me Cway?
Clay: I can't be mad at you
He turns around and kisses you
Y/n: yay! Let's go downstairs, you guys probably haven't eaten anything
Clay: yeah..none of us know how to cook
You and clay head downstairs and you head to the kitchen and start to cook lasagna for everyone
Toby: y/nnnn
Y/n: hii
Toby: I had a question
Y/n: what is it?
Toby: umm would you still love me if I wanted to try and wear makeup? And a wear a dress?
Y/n: tubs, I would love you no matter what
Toby: really?
Y/n: of course! I would love all of you no matter who you love and what you wear
Toby: yay! Can you be my mum?, he says with a cute giggle
Y/n: of course I will be your mum
Toby: okay bye mumma
Y/n: bye Toby
Y/n's mind: he is literally adorable, whoever marries him is gonna be one lucky person. Wait isn't it his birthday soon? Omg it is! I need to plan it with everyone
Y/n: tommy! Can you come here for a sec please
Tommy: coming!
Tommy runs to the kitchen
Tommy: what's up y/n?
Y/n: okay so you know how it is toby's birthday soon?
Tommy: oh yeah
Y/n: I wanna do something for him, so you can you take him home and distract them so I can plan the surprise for his birthday?
Tommy: got it boss *salutes*
You salute back and he walks outside. You finish making the lasagna and put it into the oven and walk out of the kitchen
Nick: y/n, how much longer?
Y/n: it's in the oven, maybe like 30 minutes or so
Nick: okay
Tommy: tubbo, can you please come help me film something?
Toby: sure!
Tommy: dream can we use one of your recording rooms?
Clay: mhm one of you can use my computer
Y/n: the other one can use mine
Tommy and Toby follow you clay to your rooms. Toby uses your computer, you open up your pc and he logs into his Minecraft. Tommy does the same with Clays pc.
Y/n: enjoy guys
Clay: so you wanna tell me what this is about?
Y/n: what how'd you know?
Clay: I know you so well y/n, fill me in
Y/n: I'll tell you with everyone else
You and clay go and sit down with everyone else
Y/n: guys!
George: wot?
Y/n: it's Toby's birthday soon and I wanna surprise him
Will: good idea! What should we surprise him with though
Niki: what if we flew him out to Hawaii or something?
Y/n: yessss I'll call his parents and ask if it's alright, can someone call Tommy's parents?
Clay: I'll call them
Y/n: bet I'll be back
You go into the backyard to call Toby's parents
*ring ring*
Mum: hello?
Y/n: hi! It's y/n
Mum: oh hey sweetie, how are you?
Y/n: I'm good! How are you?
Mum: good good
Y/n: I had a question
Mum: go ahead
Y/n: So since it's Toby's birthday soon, we all had the idea to surprise him for his birthday, we wanted to take him to Hawaii. So I wanted to ask if it was alright with you
Mum: who is all going?
Y/n: Me, Clay, Nick,George, Niki,Will and hopefully tommy if his parents allow
Mum: hmm alright just make sure to take care of him, and get him to call me everyday you are gone
Y/n: will do! Thank you so much!
Mum: do we need to pay anything?
Y/n: no no, we got it under control
Mum: alright bye!
Y/n: bye!
You head back inside with a huge smile, and clay walks inside at the same time as you with a huge smile as well
George: so?
Y/n and clay: they agreed!

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