{. Chapter 1: The Chase .}

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A 8-year-old girl with long, ginger hair and glowing lime-green eye and a red ribbon on her head ran through the woods, the noise of leaves crunching as a male with black hair, large scars covering almost his entire body walked after her, his blue eyes glowed in the darkness ."Come back here, I mean no harm." The male with scars told the child, then she stopped, her glowing eyes faced the man. Then she grew bigger, she turned into a scrapped animatronic, rusty orange hair with strings of yellow, blue, red and some wires. It had a little crown made out of wires on top of the head. It's left arm was a saw-like machine, some wires came out of it. The eyes whites were black, the main part of her eyes just a darker shade of green but still glowed. It's pupils were white. The animatronic skated over to the man, pinned him to a tree. The animatronic stared at the adult. He never admited his fear. "I can smell you're fear, it's in your eyes..." Thr voice was raspy, the voice box was broken. The animatronic turned smaller but it was still bigger then the man. It seemed fixed. It had red hair, glowing lime-green eyes. Red skirt, the hair was in pigtails with a dark shade of blue bands. The metal shined in the moonlight of the full moon. Then the face of the animatronic opened. The face was made of wires, then a spirt of a child appeared then disappered. It made a loud screech, the man fainted as the clown animatronic jumpscarred the man. He only heard this sound before he passed out. " The name's Circus Baby, or Scrap Baby, or Elizabeth Afton, or Afton, or A Dead Child. " The voice echoed in his mind. It sounded nice to listen to then his vision went black. Circus Baby turned back into Elizabeth, then she skipped into the city of Tokyo. She saw girls as a man towared on top of them, she spotted a black haired boy then a pink skinned girl. She transformed into Scrap Baby, skating her way over, she jump scared the man then knocked him out with her saw-like hand. She held out her right hand, the finger tips were sharp, some wires hanging out. The girls grabbed her hand then Scrap Baby skated them next to the black haired boy she saw. Scrap Baby transformed into her spirt form then flew away. She turned back into Elizabeth Afton, she opened the door of her house, to see a very angry busted up, green rabbit suit.

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