{. Chapter 6: Rival .}

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                                                                                      Elizabeth Afton's P.O.V.

I was walking with Izuku, after the fight, we gotten along pretty well! We were walking in the city of Tokyo with Katsuki and Todoroki, Todo looked really cool! "Where are we going." Katsuki groaned in annoyness. "To an alleyway! To fight villians!" I exclaimed. I was really excited! My green eyes sparkled in excitment. The breeze grew harder to walk in, I could barley keep my ground, I caught Todo staring at a certain alley, I set my hair in pig tails with my blue bands from CB. "I saw someone run into that alley." We all stared at the alley where Todo is pointing. We all explored the alley. I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and pull me into darkness. I hoped someone noticed me missing. I got into my night vision of my SB form. It was the man who chased me, the man from my dream. "Dabi?" I asked in a confused manor. "How do you know my name." He- Dabi asked, he made me flinch of his scars. "I had a dream so yep. What do you want?" I hissed at Dabi, getting my claw ready to attack. "In your dream did I offer you to be apart of the L.O.V.?" He asked, with a confused look on his face. I nodded, with a surprised look on my face. "I had that dream to. You dead or somethin'?" Dabi asked, he looked annoyed. "Yes, but keep it a secret! I dont want them to find out yet!" I whispered yelled at Dabi, I had a mad look on my face. "So do you accept the offer or not." His voice sent a shiver down my spine. "Sure, in the dream I said I could be a U.A. traitor, tell you their plans, where to strike, when to strike." I explained. Dabi just nodded. I nodded back. I didnt want to do this but I HAD to make daddy proud and make some people safe...right?

                                                                                            Shoto Todoroki's P.O.V.

I was worried for Elizabeth, where did she go? We looked everywhere in the alley, it was pretty big. "Whatcha guys lookin' for?" I heard Elizabeth's voice, we all looked at her with a scared face, even me. "Wow! Is there something behind me?" Elizabeth turned back to her normal self and looked around. "You just disappered and-" I tried to finish my sentence with my mono-tone voice until someone interupted me. "What are you guys doing?" Momo said. Elizabeth simply walked over to the group of girls, to be greeted by Jirou, Mina, Momo, Tsu, and Uraraka. Elizabeth said sorry multiple times to Uraraka. "Well anyway sence we have Lizzy now, lets go SHOPPING!" Mina exclaimed, jumping up and down. I had a confused expression on me. "Can we come to?" Izuku asked, blushing a bit. He caught my eye the most when he blushes, what is that feeling that he has? "Sure! More the merrier!" Jirou told them. "Kiri, Tenya, Denki and Sero are waiting at the mall!" Uraraka said. "C'mon!" We all ran toward the mall, me, Katsuki and Jirou just walked behind. I sent some glances at Jirou. "Why arent you running with the rest of them?" I asked her. Jirou looked at me when I started to talk. "I just don't like being first or leader sometimes." Jirou stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jacket. We reached the mall while the girls and Izuku were waiting. "What took you all so long?!" Denki whined. "Shut up, Pikachu!" Bakugou yelled at him.

                                                                                      Denki Karminai P.O.V. 

I kept sending some glances at Jirou, Momo, Mina and Uraraka. Elizabeth was out to get icecream all for her self, why couldnt see share?! "I'm tired!" I whined, leaning on Momo's chest. "Please lean somewhere else." Momo said calmly, I saw her blush. I buried my face deeper into her chest but SOMEONE grabbed me and that SOMEONE was named Elizabeth. She carried me up in her wires that I could breath but couldnt move. I spotted Momo's bottom, my drool hit Elizabeth 'Oh shoot I'm dead-' Elizabeth wrapped me tighter in her wires, I could barley breath then she threw me in a pool. "Stop being a pervert!" Elizabeth yelled at me. I got out by the help of Kiri, I saw Elizabeth had Momo in her arms to keep ANYONE from staring at her.

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