{. Chapter 4: Welcome to Circus Baby's Funtime World! .}

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                                                                                    Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V 

"Kacchan! Please can we go there?! For Kiri's Birthday? PLEASEE!" I was begging to Kacchan to let Kiri's birthday at this place, 'Circus Baby's Funtime World.' It seemed something Kiri would enjoy! "That place is for stupid extras and stupid brats." Kacchan complained, he must be scared if anyone saw him there! But Kacchan doesnt like to be bullied or if people make fun of him! I'll protect him even if he bullies me! He's my friend! Right...?

                                                                                                     Katsuki Bakugou's P.O.V.

Deku was begging so Shark Teeth could have his birthday at this childs place. "Fine, but stop begging Deku!" I snapped at Deku, I'm sick of his actions why he keeps hanging with me. He's blind like a bat. But at the right time, I'll ruin his fanatsy world. The whole class but the creepy girl came, she said she was very busy, though her siblings came but what do I care about that extra?! We all sat down. The so called 'Leader' Circus Baby started preforming. I swear her eyes were always on me and nobody else. Just me. I must been hanging out to much with Deku. To be honest... I was freaked out. It's eyes glowed like the creepy girls did. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said but Kiri just nodded and kept his eyes on Circus Baby, what a kid. I saw something fly out of Circus Baby and nobody noticed her eyes turned BLUE?! I got creeped out and speed walked there. I felt something following me so I locked the door for the boys bathroom. I stayed in a stall but I felt something breathing on my neck, I activated my quirk and there was explosions everywhere, it left marks but do I care?! NO. I care whoever is following me because it creeps me out! I heard creepy kid laughing. I tried to open the stall door but just my luck, IT LOCKS FROM THE OUTSIDE! I'm locked in a stall while theres a creep here with me. I saw a spirt right in front of me, it was the creepy girl from the class but...AS A CHILD?! I must be hanging with Deku to much. Every out line of her was spirt white. Her eyes still the same but she was carrying... Icecream? Then everything seemed i was back but the lights were off, only the stage lights of Circus Baby was on. 

                                                                                       3rd Person

"Daddy isnt watching..." Elizabeth said, her voice echoed. Katsuki was standing there, watching the memory of Elizabeth Afton. The name 'Afton' didnt sound good to him but he didnt know why. "Don't tell Daddy I'm here..." Elizabeth told the clown animatronic. The animatronic took a step forward, keeping its eyes on the child. " I wanted to watch your show, too. " Elizabeth took a step forward, on a step of the stage. Her eyes met Circus Baby's gaze. " I don't know why he won't let me come see you. Your wonderful! "  Elizabeth took two steps forward toward Circus Baby, now she was in front of her. " Where did the other children go? " Elizabeth asked her self as she looked around. Circus Baby's stomach opened as there was icecream in her hand. As soon as Elizabeth grabbed the icecream from Circus Baby's hand, a claw snatched onto Elizabeth hips and took it into Circus Baby's stomach, there was screaming then silence... Bakugou stared in horror then his vision went black, he woke in a pizzera that was called ' Rockstar Freddy's Pizzaeria .' There was a animatronic suit who was a green rabbit, he was missing an arm. Then he spotted Scrap Baby. " Father, I will make you proud... " Scrap Baby said that sounded like Circus Baby's voice. ' Maybe her voice box broke then it got fixed. ' Bakugou thought. Then he was in the ' Scooper Room ' of Circus Baby's Funtime World. He saw Michael chained on a chair and he was convered in...wires?  " Why didnt you trust me? " A voice said that sounded like Circus Baby, why would she do this to her own brother...?

                                                                                      Ennard P.O.V.

" Why didnt you trust me...? " I said in Circus Baby's voice so I could trick the nightguard who was chained up in the scooper room. " Why didnt you believe me...? " I asked, still in Circus Baby's voice. I was made up by all the animatronics but LOL-Bit. Somehow nobody could find her, or him. So I could sound like any animatronic. " Sometimes I dont understand why people do the things they do... " I kept talking in Circus Baby's voice. I saw the nightguard struggling to get out of my wires. I made them tighter. " I thought you liked me... " Everything I said was in Circus Baby's voice. " I thought I did everything right. " I walked closer to the glass. " We dont want to hurt anyone... but WE NEED YOU. "  My wired hand was hovering on the button to start the scooper. " We need you, so WE can leave. WE need you, so WE can hide. " My hand was almost 1 inch away from pressing the button. " We need you, so we can look like you. " In the corner of my eyes, I saw a blonde with red eyes. He had a horrifed look on his face but Michael's was more enjoyable to laugh at. " If they find us like this, we wont be able to try again. " I opened up my face plates. I heard Circus Baby not to do it. Like if I care about what she cares about! " You must help us. You must let us inside the room. " I had my fun to make the human scared. 

                                                                                     Michael Afton's P.O.V.

After Circus Baby did her 'little speech' I felt betrayed. Why would Elizabeth do this to me...? I know I didnt mean to send Chris to the hospital! I know I didnt mean to shock them! " Wasnt this why you came here? To be with HER again? " I was confused. Wasnt Circus Baby her? Or was she talking about someone else...? " I dont understand. " Circus Baby or...ELIZABETH said. " You wont DIE. And it will hurt for a moment. " Elizabeth said. She hit a button then there was alarms. Last thing I remember was a sharp pain at my stomach. Then I remembered what she said... " YOU WONT DIE. "

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