{. Chapter 3: It's Elizabeth! .}

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Scrap Baby just made a robot go beserk and glitch it self out of order. She then saw the same blonde who she sat next to. Scrap Baby skated over to the blonde, pulling him out of the way so the robot didnt turn him into a flat pancake. "What are you doing you extra?!" The blonde yelled at the animatronic, not even a thank you? "It's Elizabeth! Or in this form, Scrap Baby. I deserve a thank you right now!" Scrap Baby's voice rasped to the blonde. "Well thank you Freakshow. I guess your okay but stay out of my way, your a worthless extra if you keep standing in my way!" The blonde yelled at her again. Scrap Baby sighed then skated away, leaving him on his own. The nightmares kept breaking the robots, making big dents in them. With Michael and Ennard, Ennard kept making wires to trip the robots. Something caught Scrap Baby's eyes. She saw a green haired kid falling from the sky! She skated over there then turned to a spirt and saved the green haired kit, Elizabeth softly put him down on the ground, groups of students crowded around the green fluffy haired boy. Elizabeth turned into Circus Baby. With her singing, she was able to heal the boy it took her engry, she turned back to her normal teenager self. The boy waked up and thanked Elizabeth. "It's what a hero does anyway am I right?" Elizabeth said, she was enjoying herself being thanked for something that she didnt had to kill anyone! Right...? She turned back to Scrap Baby and kept beating up the robots and saving people. Scrap Baby tripped over something then transformed into Teenager Elizabeth and scraped her knee. She looked over that she tripped over the blonde she saved. She offered her hand to the boy, of course of his attitude, he swiped her hand away and got up by himself. "Thanks brat." He said, not looking at her in the eyes. "Like I told you, its Elizabeth!" Elizabeth puffed out her cheeks, trying to be mad looking. "Whatever. It's Katsuki Bakugou." He, I mean Katsuki said. "What?" Elizabeth said in confusion. "My name is Katsuki Bakugou, cant you hear?!" Katsuki yelled at Elizabeths face.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I got annoyed of this Katsuki Bakugou, but he seemed cool and maybe if I got to know him more, we will be best friends forever! Yep theres Circus Baby talkin'. Present Mic said it was the end, hopefully we did good. When I mean "We" I mean me and my siblings. We got home and I plopped on the couch, just drifting to sleep. In my dream, the same man who chased me before I saved those girls was chasing me, AGAIN! I turned into Scrap Baby, I had enough of him. I chocked him with my arm that was like this saw thing, people were scared of it but BOY it makes a good weapon! "I have an offer." He manged to speak clearly so I dropped him, I like offers sometimes. "What is it?" I asked, surprised he wasnt afraid. "Join the L.O.V. and kill All Might, the Symbol of 'Peace'." The man said. "Well what does this 'L.O.V.' do and stand for?" I asked, the name sounded like Love, without the E. "It stands for 'League Of Villians,' We're Villians and well...kill and villian stuff." The man said. "Hm... I'll think of the offer. I could be a traitor to the U.A. and tell you their plans.~" I said, I wanted to get on their good side and maybe if I like 'em, maybe I won't send them to the scooper, and NOBODY and I mean NOBODY wants my bad side and / or the scooper. "Seems good, the name is Dabi." Dabi took his hand out for a handshake I think. I shook his hand with my right. (I use my Right and Left so sorry!) "Wait, Da Bee?" I asked. Da Bee nodded. I'm going to call him Dabs if I meet him in real life. Then he blasted me with blue fire, then I woke up, startled. I stretched and then I went through the mail, three letters for my siblings. I had a very good idea. I set down the letters on the couch, I got some frying pans, I went up stairs in my Kid Elizabeth form. I banged each frying pan each other, making a very loud bang to make sure EVERYONE wakes up. "I GET NO SLEEP BECAUSE OF Y'ALL! NOW YOU WONT GET SLEEP BECAUSE OF ME!" I saw this meme and just wanted to do this. My dad came out with his knife and started to throw all his knives at me, and me being the problem child I am, I doged them and kept banging 'em together. I got everyone up and we opend our letters at the same time, we all yelped as All might came up, we threw 'em as All Might became one person. "Blah Blah Blah Blah..." As after his speaking... WE GOT INTO U.A.! Class 1-A, our teacher Pro-Hero, Eraser Head! He was my favorite! Well after Mt.Lady of course! We put on our uniforms and before we knew it... we were in front of the door of our class... we walked in and saw our classmates. We blinked to get used to the light. We saw lots of people...and they looked boring as heck.

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