{. Chapter 5: The Fight .}

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                                                                                        Elizabeth Afton's P.O.V.

Mr. Aizawa told us that we're having an exam or whatever its called today so we need our hero outfits, and Ballora being our mom, she made us hero outfits. (Elizabeth's hero outfuts are the last chapter from before) Michaels hero outfit was he was in his grape form and had some wires out of him, poor Ennard must be suffering. Chris's hero outfit that he has the Fred-Bear ears, bandages over his eyes and some blood stained on him but it was 'ketchup.'  My outfit was just a mix of Scrap Baby and Circus Baby. Left side, Scrap Baby because of her arm. and Right side Circus Baby. Circus Baby's hair is on left and Scrap's is on the right. The leg of left is Circus Baby and Right is Scrap baby. The shoes is Scrap's. I had the villians side and just my luck, I was paired up with Bakugou or I call him, ' Bakagou. ' I was in the mix form, still bigger then Bakagou. I like being tall, anyway. "Just make sure we win this, Freakshow." Bakagou said, not looking at my direction. I follow him and we meet with Izuku and Uraraka. "I'll take Uraraka and you take Izuku." I whispered to my teamate, he just nodded. I launched my self toward Uraraka then grabbed her arms, making sure she dosent touch me then skated away with her. I heard Izuku screaming. Then I threw Uraraka at the wall, I trapped her with my claw and my other hand. I looked at her straight in the eyes. I was enjoying the scent of her fear. I lost control of myself, this was my chance to make Daddy proud! I trapped her with my claw, the side of my claw was around her neck, the spikes touched her skin. 

                                                                                    Ochako Uraraka P.O.V.

I was trapped by my own classmate! The spikes of her claws touched my skin, I had a soft pain in my neck, my eyes brimmed with tears. I touched her, but before I could, she touched me. Her quirk was beserk, which Deku said. I lost control of my own self and I saw darkness. The pain went away then I heard yelling then fighting. I felt blood on the edge of my neck. Then I could control my self again. I saw Deku fighting her, and she was winning, Deku's head was bleeding pretty bad! I wanted to help but I couldnt move, I had to stay calm but I'll stay calm if Deku wins!

                                                                                                Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V.

I had to protect Uraraka! She was my friend and she's really nice and I had to owe her when she saved me, twice! But I was loosing. She had a powerful quirk and I was kind of scared of her.  I used my 'One For All' quirk and ran toward her, I punched her in the stomach, she snapped her claw at my arm, all I coud do was wince, after she hit the wall, I held my arm then guided Uraraka to safety. Little did I know, would she wake up? Would she...end us? I never got her full name. I just know her name started with and E... "Deku are you okay? She snapped your arm pretty hard..." Uraraka lightly touched my almost-broken arm. I just winced and slightly nodded, I felt my cheecks heat up. "DEKU!" I knew that scream. "Uraraka, hide! I'll handle Kacchan!" I whispered-yelled to her. She nodded then ran toward a room. I was cornered by the scrapped animatronic and Kacchan. I was scared what would happen to me.

                                                                                   Katsuki Bakugou's P.O.V.

Me and Freakshow got Deku cornered. She got closer to Deku then I took three steps, activating my quirk, little explosions exploded on my hands, I swear I saw Freakshow flinch. She lunched toward him and so did I, sending an explosion to Deku while Freakshow got ready to snap her claw on Deku's waist. Deku used his quirk and doged our attacks, I yelled in pain as she snapped her claw on MY waist. She screeched as her explosion hit her. We parted away from each other then I swear I saw her eyes turn purple. She skated after Deku and caught his pace. I knew his face would have the fear splashed onto his face whenever I activated my quirk during our last school. I saw her run into Deku, She was on top of him and her claw was in between his shoulders and neck, it was ready to snap onto Deku's neck.

                                                                                                Shoto Todoroki's P.O.V.

On the projecter, Elizabeth could kill Izuku at any moment, so I snuck out with my partner, Shoji. "Shoto, what are we going to do." I heard Shoji ask. "I'm going to save Izuku from being killed by Elizabeth." I said, placing my hand on the ground, I activated my ice quirk and froze the floor. We went back to the projecter room and saw Deku and Elizabeth frozen to the ground. But Elizabeth turned into herself and got unstuck. Deku tried his best to get unstuck. Elizabeth skated her way to Bakugou and unfroze him by using her claw to break the ice. But then Uraraka sneaked up on them.

                                                                                               Ochako Uraraka's P.O.V.

I sneaked attacked the other team, I high jumped kick Bakugou in the head, then I hit the other one's power-off button, she powered off and Bakugou fell on the ground, grunting. I helped Deku out of the ice. "T-thank you Uraraka! You saved me!" Deku thanked me, he was a blushing mess and so was I. Somehow the animatronic powered her self on and snapped her long claw both around our necks and threw us. She helped up Bakugou. "Thanks Freakshow." He mumbled, rubbing his head. So her name is Freakshow? Thats even more creepy! Freakshow's claw was around my head and Bakugou's hand was around Deku's neck. I touched Bakugou's neck, that made him look at me with a angry look then he floated up. Freakshow grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down. I felt tears brimming out of my eyes. I was to terrifed to move, Deku punched Freakshow in the face, Bakugou landed on her chest. I fell down but Deku caught me, we both limped toward the thing we had to touch to win. We were about to win!

                                                                                                    Elizabeth Afton's P.O.V.

I groaned in pain, rubbing my cheeck that Izuku punched, I saw Bakagou on my chest, I threw him off, growling at him. If dad saw this, he going bye-bye. "What the h-" Bakagou was about to yell but I Shushed him. "We can still beat them, if we knock 'em or just..y'now.." I swiped a finger across my neck. He had a crazed and shocked look on his face. He pushed me down and started to blast him self over there. My joints made a screech as I moved up, I'm going to need some oil. I turned back to my mix form, I had my claw still in my stomach that killed me...I'll do the same with them soon...if we become good friends they'll survive...maybe. I skated over to the other team, I snatched Deku away from Uraraka, she fell down, hurting her knee. I threw Deku over to Bakagou. He caught him then blasted him in the face. I had enough of this then grabbed Uraraka with my CB hand and skated over behind a wall, dropping her, I turned into my CB form and opened up my stomach. She was crying...I felt really bad for her so I kept my claw in and helped her up. I felt to bad for her. I punched her in the face though and she fainted, I threw her toward Katsuki and he fell down. I snickered a bit. There was explosion after a few minutes I took to re-charge. There was rubble everywhere and a big hole in the floor. I turned to Scrap Baby and raced over to Uraraka, before she could touch the big punching bag, I turned into a spirt and pulled her back. I opened the door and her in my grasp, I dropped her down the hole, she landed on Deku and yep... We were about to win. I turned to my mix form and landed next to Bakagou. I waited for us to win. 

                                                                                Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V.

Uraraka landed on my head, I was a BIG blushing mess! I was red as a tamaoto!  I saw Freakshow jump down next to Kacchan. I tried to push Uraraka off, but she was fainted. I got her off and protected her. I punched Kacchan hard in the stomach, and sent him flying but Freakshow grabbed my neck with her claw and punched me multiple times in my stomach, I tried to hold in the puke after feeling sick, but I let it out after she let me go. Uraraka woke up, she was bleeding badly and she struggled to stay standing. Freakshow had enough of this, I guessed that on the look on her face. Uraraka lifted me up, where I was seeing made me blush even redder then a tamaoto. I heard them both pant. I saw Kacchan's hand at my face. I closed my eyes and ready to feel pain but I heard Uraraka kick Kacchan. I saw him grunt, holding his stomach. "E-Elizabeth just f-finish them!" I heard Kacchan yell. I fell and landed on Kacchan. My face buried in his chest. I got up to only see a pink Kacchan and a angry one. I got off him and ran over to Uraraka. I saw Elizabeth claw around my face, blood came out as the spikes pinched my cheecks. Then everything was black. The thing I heard that woke me up was "AND THE HERO TEAM WINS!" Elizabeth looked where Uraraka used to be. Kacchan was mad at Elizabeth for making him loose. Elizabeth helped me up and helped me walk. "Thank you..." I whispered then passed out from the pain.

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