{. Chapter 2: Goodbye Aftons, Hello UA! .}

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"Elizabeth Abigail Afton! When did I tell you to go out?!" The rabbit suit complained. "But Daddy! I helped some people and you said I could go out!" Elizabeth puffed out her cheeks. The rabbit suit transformed into a man with purple skin and white eyes and a bit of stubble. "Elizabeth you think I ment it?! We just moved- wait you SAVED people? From what?!" The purple man panicked for his daughter, checking for any wounds or scratches. "Daddy i'm fine! I saved some girls from a man! Thats all!" He calmed down a bit. "WILLIAM VINCENT AFTON! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" A woman screamed. William sighed and took her daughters hand then took his sons and his other son's hand and dragged all of them into a room with their parents. "So... Chris, care to share your idea, son?" A woman who looked like an older Elizabeth but with golden hair said, looking at Chris. "Okay Mommy!" Chris said, his blue eyes glowed in happiness. "So I heard some guys talking about a school! I thought sense me, Lizzy, and Michael dont have school or jobs-" Chris got interupted by a yell from a purple guy, who seemed to have wires out of him (in the picture above). "I have a job Chris!" Michael pointed out, pointing at a picture of Circus Baby Funtime World. "Yeah, but remember I scooped you and Ennard and it got shut down because of well... everything?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, her left hand turned into her saw-machine from Scrap Baby. Her hand turned back to normal as everyone looked at her. "Mhm whatever! It's Ennards fault by the way!" Michael said, turned his attention to Chris. "As I was saying, its called UA High School!" Chris shouted, swaying his plushies side to side. "Yeah, but we're children and Michael is uhm... a grape like dad." Elizabeth pointed out. "WHAT DID YOU CALL US?!" Michael and William yelled at Elizabeth. "Can't Cassidy or Charlie teach us how to y'now, become a different age because we're dead?" The family agreed. "CHARLIE! CASSIDY! GET OVER HERE HONEY BEAR AND YOU SOCK!" Elizabeth yelled as they were her best friends, mostly her only best human friends from a different location from hers. "Yes, oh dear lord Icecream master?" Cassidy said in her sassy tone. "Calm down Cassidy! 'Ya need somethin' or not." Charlie seemed she was busy, probally making Mangle and Chica fight over some pizza while she had to let Toy Freddy do it, his shy-ness would mess it up but back to the Aftons. "Teach us how to become a different ages so we can be heros??" Chris said while holding up his Fred-Bear plush in front of Cassidy. Cassidy took the plush of well...her self and snuggled it. After some hours of training and explaining, Elizabeth turned to a teen, Chris into a teen and Michael just a normal human beings again, not being a grape like dad. Then hes like Michael, only way to tell the difference is the height. Clara or the mother- was just the same, she was just a blue ballerina who had her eyes closed and who could be a spider at anytime. After they did some training, it was already time for the entrance test! Elizabeth was Circus Baby, her quirk (as puppet gave then quirks because somehow shes is always god everywhere-) was voice control. She could control anyone with her singing as long as she wants, she cant continue if they break out of it or something is on her mind. Michaels is brunt spagetthei. So he could just make Ennard come out and yes. Chris's quirk is Nightmare. He can make his nightmares attack anyone else or let anyone see them. He has to chant and grab the plush versions of the origanals and set them in a circle, for nightmare, just his regular plush. Scrap Baby's quirk is beserk. She could control anyone or if she thinks of them and thinks of something negitive about them, she can make the go beserk and loose control of their body as long as she wants. Elizabeth transformed into Scrap Baby, she could do it on animals, people, and robots and / or animatronics. Chris chanted out his nightmares, people around the three siblings had horrifed and surprised looks on their faces. They all sat down in chairs, Scrap Baby sat next to a Blonde with spiky hair, crimson red eyes. Scrap Baby winced as a man yelled, her siblings did the same, pretty much everyone winced at the loud noise. After there was talking, the man with the golden hair who was skinny said he was Present Mic, a Pro-Hero according to Chris said, "NOW LETS GO AND BEAT SOME ROBOTS!" and after he finished his sentence, everyone ran out but Chris's nightmares teleported out and started to beat some robots.

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