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chapter three | toad like woman

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chapter three | toad like woman

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         The Great Hall was littered with students, new and returning of all ages. All coming down from their summer highs and excitingly asking each other what they did for their holiday. Out of habit, Stella Mason sat herself away from her other classmates, but was stopped by Hermione.

        "Stella, come sit with us."

        The Mason looked at her friend in surprise, but nodded nonetheless, ignoring the curious stares of the other Gryffindors. The four sat as such; Ron and Stella on one side of the bench facing Hermione and Harry on the other. Stella observed Harry grit his teeth as he noticed the stares that were shot his way. The girl subtly and softly kicked his ankle from under the table, earning his attention. Green met blue as she gave a slight shake of her head, telling him to ignore the prying eyes of fellow students.

        Stella had noticed his temper start to increase as term started. She had talked to Hermione about it in their dorm before the Welcoming Feast and tried to come up with ways to help him, but they both knew they didn't understand what he was going through since he wouldn't open up to them. There was really nothing they could do to help if they didn't know what was truly going on in his head.

        The feast was always something that Stella looked forward to. The food was always more than satisfactory and the girl liked seeing the familiar faces of her Professors, seeing as they all had somewhat of a soft spot for her. Her mother used to tell stories of Professor McGonagall and how they used to have tea together once a week in her office. She didn't know why they used to occur but she was glad that her mother had a good relationship with her Professors. It made Stella's life easier, really. One new face on the teachers bench caught her eye, but didn't bring any attention to it. The woman wore all pink and had somewhat of a posh but smug stature to her. Nevertheless, once Dumbledore started speaking, she gave him her full attention.

    "Good evening, children," the man greeted, "now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

        Stella frowned, as did her three friends. She took a liking to Hagrid and his class and was saddened she couldn't be taught by him. She knew her other friends were much closer to Hagrid than she was, but by the way they reacted to the news of his absence, she knew they didn't have a clue as to why he wasn't there either.

        "We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge," Dumbledore continued. The woman Stella was observing stood for recognition, but didn't receive as much applause as the woman seemed to have wanted. After a few moments, Dumbledore picked up where he left off, "and I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you—"

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