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chapter ten | a giant deal

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chapter ten | a giant deal

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The pain in Stella Mason's hand was something she had never felt before. The words 'I must obey authority' engraved on the back of her hand, and she didn't know how long those words would be there for. Dolores Umbridge was now the new Headmistresses of Hogwarts. The woman did not waste any time with giving punishments to anyone, the DA especially. The new Headmistress had all the members of the DA in the great hall, desks in a multiple rows, as they wrote lines with the blood quill she used for her detentions. Now that Dumbledore was gone, the four friends felt more vulnerable than ever. Stella now couldn't get any update on her father now that the man who had her father on said mission had taken flight. The members of the DA spent their afternoon in detention with Umbridge watching over them with a smug expression upon her features.

        When they were all dismissed, the four friends got together and separated from the group. After changing out of their uniforms, the four friends walked along the wooden bridge. They all tried to ignore the stinging in their hand.

        "You did everything you could," Ron tried to reassure his best friend, "no one could win against that old hag."

        "Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming," Stella chimed in. She felt bad for her friend, seeing that he blamed himself for the whole thing.

        "Harry, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours."

        Ron nodded at Hermione as they stopped on the bridge, "yeah, we talked you into it."

        "But I agreed," the Potter shook his head curtly, "I tried so hard to help, and all it's done is make things worse. Anyway, that doesn't matter anymore," he turned away from his friends to look at the mesmerizing view of Hogwarts, "because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much. And the more you care, the more you have to lose. So maybe it's just better to..."

        "To what?"

        "To go at it alone," green met blue as the boy answered her question. Stella felt disheartened by the boys' words, seeing as they contradicted what she talked about with him all those months ago. Before she could rebuttal, however, they heard a voice from the archway of the bridge.


        The four turned to see Hagrid peeking his head through and beckoning them to come with him, and so they did.

        He started to lead them through the Forbidden Forest and was silent as to why he was leading them through in the first place. After Harry asked why he was being so secretive, the five turned their heads at the sound of hooves hitting the ground. Stella held her breath and grabbed onto the nearest arm as they all watched a herd of Centaurs run by. As they left, Stella realized the arm she grabbed belonged to green eyes. She immediately let go and uttered an apology, and was met with a small head shake and smile.

        "I've never seen the centaurs so riled," Hagrid spoke when he was sure they were gone, "and they're dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much more, they'll have a full uprising on their hands."

        "Hagrid, what's going on," Hermione asked anxiously.

        "I'm sorry to be so mysterious with you four. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone, I'll likely be getting the sack any day now," the man's voice trembled at the thought, "and I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him. Grawpy."

        Tree branches snapped and leaves rustled as giant footsteps approached the group. The four friends backed away slightly at the sight in front of them. They saw Grawp coming closer to them, so on instinct, they ran backwards away from him. They instantly ducked when they saw his giant hands swoop down to their level to grab them. They rose, terrified, and watched his every move.

        "Grawpy. I brought you some company."

        The giant smiled and ran excitingly toward the four, who backed away as fast as they could but stopped when they realized that the giant was tied to a tree, limiting his movement.

        "I couldn't just leave him, because... because he's my brother," Hagrid revealed.


        "Well, half brother, really. He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high-spirited is all."

        Grawp's hand suddenly shot out and grabbed hold of Hermione, who let out a scream, as she was lifted high in the air.

        Stella immediately tried to help but was held back by Harry, "'Mione!"

        "Grawpy, that is not polite," Hagrid scolded calmly, almost like he expected this to happen, "we talked about this. You do not grab, do you? That's your new friend, Hermione."

        Ron then picked up bark from a nearby tree and slammed it into Grawp's leg, who scoffed and pushed Ron to the ground. Seeing that she would have to get down herself, Hermione started firmly, "Grawp. Put. Me. Down. Now."

        The giant paused for a moment before gently placing Hermione back on the ground. The curly haired girl wrapped her arm around herself as she backed away into line with her friends.

        "Are you alright?"

        "I'm fine," she answered Ron, "just needs a firm hand, is all."

        "I think you've got an admirer."

         They watched as Grawp picked through his pile of trash and came back with a bicycle handle, playing with the bell. He offered it to Hermione, who took it hesitantly, and rang it for him, the giant smiling with glee at the noise.

        "He gets his own food and all," Hagrid said as Grawp rang the bell again, "it's company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You will look after him, won't you? I'm the only family he's got."

        A nod from Harry solidified the deal.

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so sorry that this chapter is still so short—don't be a silent reader!
edited: 6 april 2021

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