Chapter 9

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You jolt out of your bed as you realized you over slept.

You and Suna hadn't gotten home until after five last night and you had a nine am class in the morning.

Your alarms went off, but you kept turning them off. You usually had multiple set but you over estimated the amount you had set.

You look at the time and see that it was almost noon. You had another class at two today, so you decided to get out of bed.

You get up and walk into your bathroom. In there you get yourself ready for the day, doing all of the essentials.

Again, your outfit for the day was lazy. A hoodie and some sweats. You weren't in the best shape to add any more effort even if you wanted to.

You were tired and sluggish, and worst of all, you couldn't stop thinking about the nightmare that happened last night.

You figured you just needed to rest today, so you contemplated not going to your two o'clock class, but since you missed your nine o'clock class, you decided it would be best to go.

You walk into the kitchen and see Suna and Osamu talking.

"Hey," you say.

Both of them turn to you and return their greetings.

Osamu walks toward you before giving you something.

"I got our spare keys made this morning after my morning class," he says.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

You walk toward the refrigerator to grab some eggs and some bacon. You planned to make yourself some breakfast, even if it was lunch time.

As you looked in the egg carton, you remembered Atsumu's face when he spilled his eggs on the ground. You chuckled to yourself softly as you remembered the chaotic morning.

You close the fridge and begin making your breakfast.

"Hey," Suna says, "You mind making me some breakfast with you while I go get ready?" he asks.

You shake your head, your mind flicking back to last night.

You were grateful that he was being a good friend, even if he claims to not like you.

You figured making him breakfast shouldn't be a problem. You open the fridge and grab a few more eggs and slices of bacon.

As you fried the eggs and bacon, you popped four slices of bread in the toaster.

This toaster is really convenient, you thought to yourself.

Soon after, you finished plating the scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.

You call Suna into the kitchen and hand him his plate.

"Thank you," he says.

You nod your head in return.

You both begin to eat the breakfast you prepared and while you were comfortable in the silence, Suna decided to make conversation.

"I didn't know you could cook," he said.

You just shrug your shoulders.

It's just eggs, bacon, and toast. How much more basic could you get?

Suna stares at you. He wondered why you weren't responding to his comments. He questioned if this is how you felt when he'd ignore the little comments you said to him. He didn't know why, but it upset him.

The remainder of the meal was silent.


As you walked out of your 'History of Psychology' class, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨; r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now