Chapter 20

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You walk out of your class, Oikawa following behind you.

"So what are you and Suna gonna do? You know, if he was actually serious about taking you out," Oikawa asks.

You laugh at him for seeing through Suna's lie.

"I just texted him about that. We're going out later tonight."

"Oh, so a surprise? That's cute," he says.

You turn back to him.

"Are you being sarcastic Tooru?" you say.

He gives you a shocked face.

"Calling me by my first name now?" he says, a playful shock evident on his face.

You shrug your shoulders.

"I like your first name better that your last."

He shakes his head as you two walk in sync.

"You wanna get lunch?" you ask feeling your stomach grumble.

Oikawa gasps.

"Are you asking me on a date? What would Suna think?"

You laugh at Oikawa's comment, genuinely finding it funny.

"You don't want me, I don't want you. We're just friends. So come on, let's go."

He laughs at your response as the two of you walk to a cafe across the street.

Upon entering the cafe, you notice it was the same one from the day you and Oikawa went to lunch.

You think back to your emotional state at the time and while you were sad at how depressed you were, or becoming, you were proud of how far you've come since that day.

You and Oikawa order at the register before picking seats to sit at.

"Remember the last time we were here? You barely spoke," Oikawa says taking a sip from his drink.

You nod your head.

"Yeah, I was going through a lot at the time."

"I figured, you're okay for sure now right?" he asks.

"Yeah. But it comes and goes. I get better with time, so hopefully we're taking steps in the right direction."

He smile at you.

"Well, if you ever need help, I'm always here. We're friends remember?" he says with a wink.

You laugh at his flirtatious behavior.

"Yeah, thank you."

You really meant it when you thanked Oikawa.

He has been nothing but kind to you and a great friend. And you felt like you could trust him if you were going through a hard time. You didn't trust everyone easily, but you were lucky that you were expanding your circle as you could only depend on Akaashi for years.

The two of you start to have a small conversation, getting to know each other better. You both talked about your high school years as Oikawa mentioned his difficult relationship with volleyball and you mentioned your straining mental health.

The two of you found yourselves confining in each other, and before you knew it, it was time for Oikawa to go since volleyball practice started in an hour.

"Wow, we've been here for like what? Four hours?" you say as you both gathered your trash and belongings.

He laughs and nods his head.

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨; r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now