Nightmares (Dean)

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You and Dean met for the first time as kids. You were neighbors and played together sometimes. But one day Dean and his family were gone. You asked your parents what happend and they told you that they moved away from Kansas. You were sad because you liked Dean but you believed that you would meet him again one day.

*16 years later*
You were on your way to the Roadhouse to visit Ellen and Jo.
2 years ago you met Jo when she and her mother saved your life. After the big shock and trying to understand what happend they took you with them. Jo explained everything to you. You slowly understood and processed everything and decided to help them. First they were unsure but you insisted on helping them and so they tought you all they know.
As you entered everything was oddly quiet.
"Jo? Ellen?", you asked loudly already with one hand on your gun.
No reply so you stepped forward, looking over the counter to see if someone's hiding there but the space was empty. As you walked further into the room you noticed someone hiding behind one of the tables. As he saw you he took out his gun but you were able to kick it out of his hand.
"Stand up!", you commanded pointing your gun to his head.
He raised his hands and stood up slowly. He was taller than you expected and so you had to raise your arm to keep your gun where she was. Before you could even ask him a question you felt a gun at the back of your head.
"Easy okay. Let the gun down and we can talk", someone said behind you
You looked at the one in front of you, which was just nodding, than took a step back and lowered your gun.
"Wasn't that hard right?"
You raised your hands slowly and waited for him to remove his gun.
"Put the gun down now!", Jo said coming out of nowhere
The man behind you let his gun down so you could turn around and look at him. A handsome, very familiar face. Beautiful green eyes met your eyes.
"Wow..", you both whispered
He looked away as Jo pushed him away from you.
Those could remember seeing similar ones a long time ago. No that can't be..or could it?
"Dean?", you asked unsure but as you said the name his eyes locked with yours again.
So it is him. It's really him. Wow you thought you would never see each other again. But he doesn't seem to remember you at all.
"You know him?", Jo asked as you noded.
"We were friends when we were little until we moved", Dean anwsered
"So you do remember.."
"Who said I didn't?", he said with a smirk
Jo and Ellen let their weapons down and the boys began to talk. Ellen seems to know what they were talking about and told them to be lucky that they had Bobby and them on their side. After a while of more talking and making plans they were about to go again. Sam already left the Roadhouse but Dean stopped at the doorframe.
"Hey Y/N. I know it may sound awkward but if anything happens, no matter what, call me okay?", he said quietly while handing you a card with his phone number on it.
"I appreciate the offer."
"Im happy to hear that..", he said smiling softly and exiting the house.
So you were left standing at the door thinking about your friend from another time. It didn't felt like a goodbye, you had the feeling you would meet again soon. After you helped Ellen cleaning up the Roadhouse you headed home to hopefully get some sleep. The past nights weren't the best. Since the incident you suffer from nightmares. As you were laying in bed you thought about Dean. It's nice to know that the remembers you after all this years. Your last thought was dedicated to him until you drifted off to sleep. But soon enough you woke up sweating and breathing heavily. But this time it was even worse then the nights before. You couldn't stop panicking so you grabbed your phone and called Dean.
"Y/N hey whats going on? It's kinda late", he asked laughing but as soon as he realized that something is really wrong he only asked for your address and headed to you.
You're sitting on your bed, shaking, waiting for him. You were hoping he hurries and shortly after you heard someone knock at your door. You slowly stood up, trying hard to stand on your feet. You finally reached the door and opened it. As you saw Dean you you felt relieved. He really came to look after you. As you turned around to go back inside your knees got weak but happily Dean caught you.
"Easy Tiger. Come I help you", he said grabbing you by your waist and walked you to your bed.
He carefully laid you down and watched you for a second.
"Do you need anything?"
"Okay than I'm still staying with you. I'm sleeping on the couch", he said while standing up to leave you some space but you grabbed his sleeve.
"No..please stay here. I know we just met again but..I don't want to sleep alone", you said slightly blushing
A little smirk came to his lips and so he sat back down next to you.
"Is it really okay if I stay in your bed?", he asked just to make sure and you nodded
So both of you laid down comfortable, your head on his chest and your arm around his waist. His right arm was under your head.
"Thank you Dean", you said after a while and so you fell asleep again.
You felt save with him so you could sleep without any worries. He smiled as he saw that your already asleep. He kissed to top of your head and waited a while until he also fell asleep.

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