Old Friends (Sam)

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You're sitting in the bunker with Sam. You know each other from college. Both of you wanted to study law and so you were in the same seminars. That's how you also met Dean. He ones came to pick up Sam. But one day Sam didn't come back. You were worried and tried to reach him somehow but he never answered. Until you recently met him in the forest. You were camping with friends when something attacked you. You thought it was a bear or a wolf, but it turned out that a Wendigo was after you. Luckily Dean and Sam were there in time to rescue you and your friends. And now you're on the road with the two of them, because Sam wanted to have you with them for safety's sake.
"I have to be honest. It's kind of weird to sit in a bunker with you Sam. You could survive an apocalypse here."
"I know it's not exactly what you expected from me but that's how it is. We live in a bunker, we kill monsters even though nearly nobody knows they exist and we drink a lot..mostly Dean. I'm mean I drink too but not that much.."
"Sam you don't need to justify yourself. I drink too. Not that much either but sometimes and I bet you need more alcohol than me to survive some days", you said joking
Sam seemed more relaxed after you said that. You missed that big old grin. You're still asking yourself why he left Standford? Of course he had to help Dean and his dad. But now that you know what they do you're even more confused. You wouldn't go on hunts to kill monsters which might kill you. Hell no! But he seems to do fine.
"So how is your dad doing?"
He just looked at me with an confused expression.
"I never met him but when you told me you need to go away to help him and Dean I was curious..and worried"
He didn't answer directly. He thought about his answer longer than you expected.
"Oh..I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up.."
"Its okay how should you know?"
"Want to talk about it?", you asked after a while
"Maybe later.."
You nodded and so you talked about something else until Dean came back.
"Hey Sam and...", he looked at you trying to remember your name
"What was your name again?", Dean asked after he couldn't remember it
"Right. Sorry I'm not that good with names"
"No problem me neither", you replied laughing and he smiled
He set down next to you and looked at you from top to bottom.
"What?", you asked
"Nothing. It's just unusual that Sam has someone over. And then someone good looking like you."
You burst out laughing while Sam looked at Dean annoyed.
"Don't look at me like that you know it's true", the older one said grinning
"I'm sorry for my brother's behavior."
"No problem. I take that as a compliment", you said smirking
"I like you. You can stay. Feel honored I guess. No one is allowed to stay except for one friend. But you seem to be trust worthy."
"I appreciate that and I'm actually really greatful that I can stay with you. I feel safe here."
You looked to Dean who gave you a short smirk. As you turned to Sam he smiled softly and hold eye contact with you for a second.
"Okay..so who's hungry?", Dean asked interrupting your little moment
Sam and you nodded simultaneously.
And so you ate together with Dean, talked about the old times and suddenly you and Sam fell asleep, cuddling, on the couch.

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