Wrestling Fanboys (Dean&Sam)

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Dean and Sam are big wrestling fans. Okay Dean more than Sam but they both love it. Sadly they never had time to watch it live. So one day you visited them and gave them tickets for a local wrestling event. Your duty as a good friend. You wanted to see them happy for once.
"Thank you so much Y/N. Where did you get these?", Dean asked excited
"I have my conections and if you had told me earlier that you two are fans than we could have gone to so many events", you said laughing
Both hugged you and thanked you again. To see them happy makes you happy too. You just hope that they don't have to go on a case at that day.
You stayed for a while and as you wanted to head home the two invited you to stay over so you don't have to drive through the night. You agreed and you talked the whole night about wrestling. About your favorite superstars, your favorite match and so much more. Time went faster than you all expected but you still decided to get some sleep. As you woke up it was already noon and the boys were also up. You ate lunch together and after that you drove home already excited for the event. But also a little afraid. Dean and Sam don't know that you're a wrestler too. How will they react when they see you standing in the ring? You will find out that day.

*3 days later*
You chatted with the boys over the time and now the day of the event has come. You already spoke with your manager that you can sit with them in the front row and that you change before your match starts. They put the break right before your match so that you can sneak away easily.
It was 8pm as you waited in front of the little hall the event is about to take place. You waited and looked for Dean and Sam as you saw the most beautiful car on earth. Dean's impala is really amazing. And you can understand why he loves it so much. After they found a good parking lot they came towards you.
"Hey Y/N how are you?", Dean asked as he hugged you.
"I'm good and you? Excited?"
"Oh yeah. Even though it's just a small event it's still cool to see some action", Sam said as he also hugged you.
"Okay so shall we go inside?"
Both nodded and so you went in.
The atmosphere is amazing. Every time you get in it's great. Some of the fans looked at you but you shoke your head so they won't talk to you. It's not in an evil way but you wanted to have the surprise effect on your side. Both were happy to sit front row. You still can't really belive that they never went to an event. Some time passed as the first match started. They knew some of the athletes, what surprised you. They cheered alot, "booed" some. But after all they had a lot of fun. Time passed quick as the announcer set the break.
"Okay boys I'll be back. Toilet's waiting and I have to hurry", you said joking and stood up
The boys just nodded. As you were out of their sight you ran backstage, changed as fast as you could and did your make up. It wasn't as perfect as always but you had to hurry a bit. You just finished as your opponent for tonight came in.
"Hey Y/N..oh you're already done. Damn you're fast. I just wanted to tell you that we got a little bit more time 'cause the people need some time for their toilet businesses. How are you?"
You were kinda relieved, still stressed but also proud. You leaned back on your chair and relaxed a bit.
"Better I guess. I stressed myself getting ready as fast as I could. But I'm glad I have some time left. How are you?", you said with a grin
"I'm good. I have to admit that I'm really excited for our match 'cause I don't think that we ever had one. So it's special and I heard that you have two special guests with ya. So we need to impress them."
"They better be impressed or I'm made. But I think they already will be because they don't know anything about all this."
"They really don't?"
You just shook you're head.
"That's the surprise. I hope they won't search for me now..they're kinda overprotective", you said worried
Suddenly the announcer called you out.
"It's show time"
First your opponent went out. Mixed reactions and out of the curtain you could see Sam and Dean.
'Perfect. I'm so excited.'
Next you got called out, with your made up name. As you walked out you played your role, went around the ring so they couldn't directly see you but as you came to them you paused right in front of them. Both stared at me, trying to figure out for a second who you was as it clicked.
"Surprised?", I asked and their faces said everything.
You jumped into the ring and the match started. You looked to them and winked and then showed them what you got. You're a fan favorite so you got cheered a lot but you could here them out of the crowd. Sometimes you had the chance to look at them. After all you did a great job and won. You hugged it out with your opponent. You were friends with most of them so everything was good.
"Wow Y/N you're amazing!"
"Yeah I never thought that you could be a superstar too. Now you're even more amazing that before."
"Thank you so much. I'm happy that my surprise worked and maybe now you come to more events."
"When your it everytime of course."
You smiled bright and hugged them.
"Come on let's go home and we make a party for you're victory."
You laughed but agreed.

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