Another Case (Bobby)

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It was a stressful day and as you came back to the bunker you expected your brothers to be there but only silence greeted you.
"DEAN? SAM?", you shouted but no respond
You breath out loudly and let yourself sink in the couch after throwing your bag on a chair. You felt really bad. The last days weren't really good at all, Dean and Sam are always after cases, so were you but not with them strangely. But it's part of the job. You can't just sit around and do nothing but now you had some time for yourself and decided to sleep a bit. Just an hour later your phone rang, an unknown number again and as you picked up you were surprised and happy.
"Bobby", you said happy
"Hey (Y/N) how are ya?"
"Tired and annoyed but it is how it is. How are you?"
"As always. I wish I could say that I'm completely fine. So I called you 'cause I need your help."
"Another case?"
"Yup. It's nothing special but these damn vampires won't hold back. Again a dead girl and two missing. I know that they're vampires cause I found typical wounds on the girls neck. Only problem is I can't find them. Nobody saw something and nobody seems to know the dead girl. And the other 2 that went missing. Nobody seems to know them either. How could this be?"
"Maybe they're orphans or live on the street."
Short silence on the other side.
"That could be the answer why nobody cares about them but how should we know where they are?"
"We could search the area the girls went missing. The homeless maybe know something, if it's true what I think. Wait a second I get my laptop", you said and got your laptop out of your bag. After you found 3 different cases in the same area that ended like yours you knew that you were on the right track.
"Hey Bobby I found something. In one of the documents are information from the first victim 2 years ago and it says that the girl was an orphan. She ran away from her childrens home and was never seen again. After she went missing 2 people said they saw her once under a bridge with other homeless people. And than she disappeared. The other girls sadly had the same destiny."
"I know why I asked you to help me. Let's meet in 10 minutes and then we can investigate."
"Okay see ya"
As you hung up you jumped of the couch and packed your bag again. You just needed to change some things and than you were ready to go. It's fascinating how fast you can have another case but it's going to be fun with Bobby. He's brilliant and the best hunter I know. Dean and Sam are great too but they learned the most from him and so did I. He's like a father for us and I'm really happy to have him.

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