You Make Me Smile (Jack)

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Since you two meet you bonded and became good friends. One day you met at one of your secret places to hang out.
"Hey Jack", you greeded and hugged him
"Hey Y/N. How was your day? You're earlier than I expected"
"Actually pretty good. My boss had a good day and let me go earlier."
He was happy to have more time with you so he could tell and show you something.
"So Y/N. I have more time than usual and it's Friday so you don't need to get home early right?"
"What do you want to do?"
He seemed kinda nervous
"Will you come home with me? We could make a sleepover. And so I can introduce you to my family."
You were surprised. Jack was always silent about his family but now he's ready to open up. That made you really happy.
"Of course that sounds so cool."
Both of you smiled bright and went to your home to get clothes and other stuff. As you came back he was just standing in the living room smiling.
"It's the first time I'm at your home and it's really nice. Smaller than ours but it's more comfortable here."
"Oh right. To be honest I didn't thought about going to my home but we can do that more often if you want."
"I would like to do that", he said still looking around
"And I'm just happy to spend time with you and that you come home with me..I mean we could have done this already's kinda hard to bring friends home."
"Hey it's okay if you and your family needed time. You don't have to justify yourself to me."
"Thank you.. I'm happy that you understand. Other people got mad after a time.."
He looked sad so you went up to him and hugged him. He hugged you back tight. After a while you separated and than took his face between your hands.
"It's not your fault okay? Some people tend to be stupid and just don't understand. If they don't respect you or your decisions..I think that you shouldn't call such people your friends."
He nodded and immediately looked relieved.
"Okay so let's go?", you asked
"Oh yeah my Dad will pick us up. He should be here in 10 minutes."
"Oh okay cool", you said surprised
You waited and really after 10 minutes a black Chevy Impala stopped at you door.
"That's him.", Jack said and walked out the door first.
You're already in love with the car as you stepped out and closed the door. But as you saw the man sitting behind the steering wheel you were shook. One of the most handsome man you have ever seen. Damn can the day be better?
"Jack who's that over there", he asked
His voice is deeper than you expected.
"That's Y/N. You know the one I told you about? We gonna make a sleepover the whole weekend"
"Wait the whole weekend?", he asked confused
"Yeah didn't Sam tell you?"
"No..nevermind come on in", he said looking at you with a smile
You got in and laid your bag next to you.
"I'm Dean by the way", he said after he started driving
"A pleasure to meet you. I'm really happy that I can get to know you."
He looked at you through the mirror and smiled. But than you just listened to them. Jack talked about the day and Dean turned on the radio after a while and you started to head bang to the classic rock songs. But not as extrem as you usually do.
"You've got a good taste in music Y/N", Dean said after he noticed your movements
"So do you. I grew up with that music so it's my all time favorite. Nothing is better than good old rock."
Dean smiled bright and looked over to Jack. You drove a while as a man appeared next to you out of nowhere. You got scared and let out a little scream.
"What's going on?", Dean asked as he looked through the mirror
"Damn it Cas.."
"Hello..uhm. I'm Castiel and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you", said the man in the dirty trenchcoat
You didn't really have words and tried to process what happened.
"You really scared her Cas..", Jack said looking at you
"As I said I didn't mean to scare her. I just didn't expect someone else here."
"Okay Dean can you stop somewhere so I can switch places with Cas?", Jack asked
Dean nodded and looked around for a parking lot. As you stopped Jack and Cas switched. Jack set down next to you and took your hands.
"Hey Y/N everything is okay", Jack said trying to calm you down but you didn't respond. You were never shook like this ever. So Jack explained everything to you while Dean started driving again. Dean and Cas talked but you didn't really heard them your eyes and ears were only on Jack. After a while you understood what he told you and started to speak again.
"That's crazy"
"I know but I hope you understand..and still like me."
"Of course I still like you! I just need to get use to all this but you're the same person..with some extra features. But you're still my best friend!"
 Jack smiled bright and hugged you tight what you returned.
"Thank you!"
"For what?", you asked
"For being the best person I ever met. You are my best friend and you changed so much. And I love you for that."

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