Where is he? (Dean)

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You and Dean are a couple. You met on a hunt and you helped to solve the case. Dean showed interest in you and came a day later to see you. You chatted a bit and he asked for your number. At first you didn't thought that it could be something serious. Turned out you were wrong. He called you twice that same evening. You texted and talked a lot. You know what he does and you don't have a problem with that. He seems dangerous and looks like a bad boy but on the inside he's the biggest sweetheart. You figured that out after you met again after a while. You always hald the contact but he was very busy. One day he finally had some free time so you two met and on that day he asked you if you want to be his girlfriend/boyfriend. You said yes and he happily took you to the bunker. You were amazed by the size of it and that nobody really knows this place. You met Sam again and got to know him better too. He remembered you and was happy that nothing happened to you since that day. Dean told him that you were together and Sam happily wished you all the luck in the world. He's really nice and you're happy that he accepts you. You visited them a lot and got used to all the room and all the stuff they do. One day you looked around again and the boys talked to each other. As you came back they asked you to sit down with them.
"Y/N I know what I'm about to ask is a bit early and unexpected but I want to ask if you want to move in with me or better said us. I want you around me to make sure you're save."
Yes that was unexpected. But it's so sweet of him that you said yes. To be honest you already feel save around them. A bright smile appeared on Dean's face and he hugged you tight. Sam also hugged you and the three of you decided to celebrate and drove to the next bar. As you arrived the typical bar smell hit your nose but you were to happy to feel uncomfortable. You have bad memories to bars so you usually don't go to one but today was okay. The boys ordered drinks as you looked around for a free table as you saw him. Your Ex. You turned away fast and went back the Dean. He was the one who caused your hate for bars. You forgot him but now every memory is back. Your mood was down what Dean of course noticed.
"Y/N what's wrong? You look sad."
You thought about telling him or not but you decided to do. So you told him about your ex and what he did. Dean was very upset after everything you told him. You never saw him that angry.
"Where is he?"
You were terrified y the looks he gave you. It was supposed to be a good night but now you ruined it. Yoh pointed at him and Dena immediately went in his direction. You wanted to stop him but Sam hold you back.
"We better stay back. Dean won't hold himself back. If he needs me I can react fast enough. And we won't need to be near him to hear him."
You just nodded and watched.
"Hey asshole", Dean yelled at him over the music.
Your ex looked up confused.
"Are you talking to-"
He couldn't finish his sentence because Dean pulled him off of his chair and pushed him against the wall.
"Shut up you piece of crap. I know who you are, what kind of person you are and what you did to Y/N. So if you don't want to die right now you better listen to me. Stay out of my and Y/Ns way. If I see you again I promise you. I will kill you. Understood? "
He nodded wildly and Dean let go of him. He walked back to us, finished his drink and grabbed your hand.
"Come on Sam we buy some good stuff and celebrate at home", he said while walking out
Sam just smiled and nodded.

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