PoV Riccardo
Cazzo! This woman was driving me insane!
Her big tearful doe eyes almost killed me last evening. The worst thing was, that it was my fault. Why the fuck did I think it was a good idea to watch the movie together with her? Particularly since I knew somewhere deep inside, that something horrible must have happened to her before we met. But no, I had to hear it from herself. For what? To traumatize her even further? Incredible that she was able to love her daughter that much despite the biological father. Stella had my utmost respect for being such a caring mom. If only my mother had been like her.
I shook my head. My past was history, nothing could change anymore. I only could make sure, that I was a caring dad for Isabella. That I kept her and her mother safe.
I knew I was thinking too often about her. That I loved holding her in my arms way too much. Her tender body against my chest, her sweet smell surrounding me. That was what I wanted. I realized it to my horror when I carried her to her room. But I could not have this. Being close to me would destroy her beautiful innocence, her calmness. No, I had to make sure that she got into a relationship with one of my men, since I failed in scaring her away. I did not want her to leave anymore. Not since I knew what she had been through. Staying at my estate was safer for her. Plus, she could help me raise Isabella.
Who of my men would suit her? Someone who was loyal to me, that was not even in question. Someone who would be gentle to her, who would carry her on his hands and fulfill all her wishes. He had to be close to her age, since I would not want her to put up with an old guy. That would not feel right. In my mind I went through my employees. Only two fit the description. There were only two people I would trust with Stella's life and her well-being. Lucius and Romano.
I sighed deeply. On a second thought, I crossed out Lucius. He was too much of a womanizer and not yet suitable as a husband for such a shy and scarred woman.
Yes, he would be a good match. Besides, Stella liked him a lot, and I was certain that he liked her as well. My chest tightened. But why was every cell in my body against it if he was perfect for her? I slammed my fist on the desk. Cazzo, I was not allowed to develop feelings for her, since I would be her downfall. Still, I wanted to be the only man to hold her, to make her feel safe.
What was wrong with me? With a wave of my arm, I swept the documents off the desk. Individual pages fluttered through the air like agitated butterflies before landing on the floor.
I quickly went through all the possible scenarios in my head. Love was the first thing I crossed out. Then it hit me. When was the last time I fucked a woman? Of course, now I remembered. It was before I took Isabella in!
I was such a fucking idiot! I simply had to rut a random woman and Stella would disappear from my mind. Easy solution. But first I had to find Romano.
I left my office and walked to the gym, guessing he would train Stella again. A sudden idea hit me. Why not making him teach her self-defense? That would require lots of body contact and both would realize fast that they belonged to each other. I ignored the lump of ice forming in my stomach.
"I only care for her since she is Isabella's mother," I repeated as mantra in my mind. The doors to the gym swung open and slammed against the wall. Shit, I must have used too much force. Well, at least I got the attention of everyone. My men stared at me with surprise, while Stella looked annoyed. She was getting quite an attitude lately. Perhaps she felt already too safe here and I had to teach her to respect me. Without scaring her again, I thought.

Mia Figlia
RomanceWhat if your family expects you to get an heir for the family's empire and you make the wrong choices when it comes to women? You abduct a child, right? But instead of a boy who can take over, you take a girl. Great decision, absolutely fantastic. S...