PoV Riccardo
A sigh escaped my lips as I turned around in the hospital bed. I had been conscious again for almost a week, but I felt no desire to leave the infirmary. My people were taking care of the family business. What was the point of returning to the office or to my room? My bed was deserted anyways. I did not want to lie there without Stella. My stomach tightened up. Someone opened the door, which creaked softly. I heard the approaching footsteps of heavy men's shoes, but my gaze remained turned to the other side. I felt little desire to see anyone at all.
"Riccardo," I heard my father's deep voice. Every day he had visited me and told me about the business and other events. To keep me up-to-date and interested in the family stuff. He feared as much as Sam that I was slipping into depression. I had overheard their conversation. Naturally, I was upset that my fiancée was not by my side. But it was I who had sent her away. There was no one I could blame for that. And that gnawed at me harder than the beaver on a tree trunk. My misery was all my fault.
"Sam said you could get up. What do you think about us talking in the office? It would be better given the topic I want to discuss with you." His voice sounded pleading. Not the bossy behavior of the past, but with a gentle undertone. He was seemingly trying to open up to me today that my cousin was taking over the business. That was more than fine with me.
I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. My father threw me a pair of sweatpants. I almost laughed out loud. In the past, he had always forbidden me to wear something like that. Did I need an even clearer sign of where I stood in the family hierarchy?
I put the pants on and walked with my father into the office. On the way there, we ran into Mario and Giovanni, who followed our heels. If my advisor and my second in command were attending as well, then I was sure to soon be out of the job as don. A slight tingling sensation spread through my stomach. Perchance in a few weeks I could go and find Stella, to ask her to give me a chance for a new life together far away from the mafia business. In my mind's eye, I saw one of the family estates in Sicily. Isabella playing in the sand and us nearby for her protection. Stella's belly slightly curved outward. The corners of my mouth twitched up. I liked the idea.
"Riccardo, while I am glad you are finally in a better mood, there is something we wanted to discuss with you." My father's voice sounded sterner to my ears, but for the first time in my life, I did not care about his opinion. Soon I would be free.
"If it is about someone else taking over, go ahead." I leaned back in my chair with a grin and folded my hands at the back of my neck. At last, some good news.
"Che? Have you completely lost your mind?" His eyes widened; his chin trembled slightly. "You are going to keep doing your job for the family. I see no reason to change that. Especially with things going this well right now." Giovanni and Mario exchanged amused glances. What had I missed in the past few weeks? I leaned forward, propping my forearms on the desk.
"We should finally tell him." Mario looked promptly at my father. Giovanni nodded, trying to keep his face straight.
"You are right." Our old family head cleared his throat, then averted his gaze. Straining, he stared out the window before looking at me. A small smile played around his lips.
"Something came up while you were in a coma. Does the name William Edwards ring a bell?"
"The casino mogul from Vegas?" What did he have to do with our family?
"That is the one. He owns about every casino on the Strip and in Reno that does not belong to some mafia family. Did you know that his eighteen-year-old daughter and sole heiress sought suicide after being raped? This happened a few years ago." My stomach clenched. What was he trying to tell me? I nodded wordlessly, clearing my throat briefly.
"Blonde, blue eyes, a fragile thing, if I remember correctly." Her picture in the paper had haunted me for some time, for whatever reason.
"That is correct. What if I tell you she is alive?" His triumphant look made my stomach ache.
"Did you track her down and now you want to set me up with her because I sent Stella away?" I heard restrained laughter from my sotto and clenched my hands. "Enough! I am not going to marry some woman I do not love. It is either Stella or no one!"
"Then you should be happy to know that Stella Millers birthname is Estelle Edwards." I jumped up. On the verge of smacking that disgusting grin off my father's face. Sweat broke out and I took a loud breath. I was just grabbing him by the collar when someone opened the door to my office from outside.
A little brown-haired whirlwind rushed in, squealing happily. Tears streamed down her cheeks. I let go of my father and staggered toward my little girl. My heart was pounding way too fast behind my ribs as I hugged my daughter to my chest. She wrapped her thin arms around my neck and sobbed into my shirt.
"You are finally awake. I can't wait to tell mamma." Isabella snuggled close to me. On the one hand, I was glad she was with me. On the other hand, I guessed it meant that my father had locked her and her mother up against my wishes. I stared at him darkly.
"Do not look at me like that. I wasn't even in the house when Stella packed her bag." He grinned widely. "I only dragged her out of your hospital room a week later because she refused to leave your side." My heart galloped away. Did she stay willingly? Spending time next to me while I was in a coma? Doubting, I looked at Mario and Giovanni. Both nodded with smiles.
"In her condition, it was better to keep her away from you. Too much stress is not healthy for her," my sotto added.
"We wanted to keep her busy elsewhere, and that was when we stumbled upon her secret." Mario clapped his hands. "Now that that is finally out. I wonder if she is roasting Floyd for his idiotic behavior yet. During the preliminary meeting with me, she could hardly wait to give him hell. Looks like she knows him from her old life and still has a bone to pick with him. She refused to tell me any more details."
"He is always sliming with us. With her, he will probably act macho. If he thinks he will have an easy time with her and get his overpriced prices through, he's mistaken. The girl has grown up with the management of casinos. No one can fool her." My father's eyes lit up with excitement. My stomach tightened further.
"Wait. The conversation is happening right now?" I put my daughter into Mario's arms and stormed to the door.
"She does not need your support. Stella has been taking care of the legal business on her own for weeks. Against my explicit advice, to be honest, but Sam has allowed her to do it." My father clicked his tongue. This was getting better and better. What did our doctor have to do with it? It was not up to him to allow or forbid her anything. That was my job.
"Lucius and Romano are with her. Floyd will not eat her," Giovanni waved placating behind me. I ignored him, climbed the stairs to my room, and frantically changed clothes. Five minutes later I was standing in the entrance hall, glowering at my father, who had just snatched the car keys out of my hand.
"I'm driving. You are too excited for my taste." Reluctantly, I followed him to the car and wordlessly sat down in the passenger seat. If anything happened to my fiancée, he was in for a treat. I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants and massaged my throbbing temples.
"Don't worry about it. She will take care of it in no time." My father drummed a tune on the steering wheel in a good mood. That was easy for him to say. I wanted to wrap my fiancée in my arms, put a bullet in Floyd's head if necessary, in case he misbehaved, and then drive home with Stella. There I would disappear with her in the bedroom, have Isabella brought to us and watch as many cartoons with my two angels as they wanted. Family business? I did not have time for that. My loved ones were many times more important. I sighed with relief. I had not lost them. They had stayed with me.
"There is something else you should know," my father began slowly. He stared intently at the street, although hardly anyone was on the road. With a raised eyebrow, I waited for him to continue speaking. He should not keep me in suspense like this. "Oh, please forget I said anything. You will know in a bit anyway."
I clenched my hands into fists. I hated innuendos when I then got no answer. Soon I was to learn the reason for all the secrecy. But that was secondary. I wanted to finally hold her in my arms again.
What do you think? Will Riccardo have to intervene, or will Stella stand her ground?

Mia Figlia
Storie d'amoreWhat if your family expects you to get an heir for the family's empire and you make the wrong choices when it comes to women? You abduct a child, right? But instead of a boy who can take over, you take a girl. Great decision, absolutely fantastic. S...