PoV Riccardo
I poured myself another glass of Bourbon. Looking at the deep amber color of the liquid I thought about a conversation from earlier today. My consigliere Mario, my advisor, had been nagging me once again.
"You have to find a woman. You need an heir for your family's empire."
Yeah, sure. The last girlfriend I had, turned out to be a total disaster. I had to get rid of her before she could destroy me. Although, I could not say that I was still the man I used to be.
My gaze wandered across my office, which emanated wealth and power. My grandfather's old furniture gave this place a distinguished atmosphere. The writing table I was usually sitting at was older than him. It was a Chippendale design pedestal mahogany desk from the nineteen twenties, which I admired since I had been a little boy. Now once again, it cast its spell over me.
The large serpentine top had an inset of green tooled leather as writing surface. Each side featured three drawers in the frieze, with a cupboard on the left, and a base with a storage space above a double depth filing drawer on the right. Every single one could be locked with a key. Convenient for a mafia boss like me, I admitted with a smirk.
Behind the desk there was a mahogany breakfront bookcase. The top part had a decorative stepped molded cornice above open shelving in four sections, with sixteen original shelves. Personally, I loved the two secret drawers in the middle of the lower part. The knowledge was exclusively passed down from father to son. Nobody else could know. Hence, when I took over, my dad told me the truth about the drawers. As a child, I had imagined that jewels and gold coins hidden there because my father had emphasized that he kept his most valuable possessions there. But many years later, I understood that words on paper were far more powerful and profitable than all the treasures in the world.
I shook my head and took another sip of my Bourbon. It kept surprising me how the bold start was always followed by a medley of oak, honey, and caramel. The warm and sinful finish made me lust another glass. I stood up and walked from the four-seater dark leather sofa to the mahogany cocktail cabinet. The bottle of Bourbon was almost empty. I poured the remaining liquid in my glass then I looked at the long case clock in the corner. I clicked my tongue in a bad mood. It was almost seven in the morning, and I had not slept so far. Sleep did not come naturally to me. Not since she was gone.
I sighed. Why had my life to be this difficult? Mario was right. I needed an heir. But the women I fell in love with, feared me, hated me, or were solely interested in my money. Or all of that together.
I needed another serving; hence I went back to my cocktail cabinet and opened a bottle of Scotch. With my new drink I walked to my desk and sat down. Thoughtfully I looked at the surface and wondered how many women had been fucked by my dad and granddad here. According to what I knew about them a lot. They were both extraordinary womanizers while I simply wanted a lovely wife. But somehow, I always picked the bad ones.
Oh well, my father married likewise the wrong woman, but he compensated that with mistresses. Granddad on the other hand wed the girl he cherished and who loved him back, despite his behavior.
"Shouldn't you sleep a bit?" asked an elderly calm voice.
I looked up at the intruder. My consigliere stood in front of me. Rested and ready to start the day. My gaze wandered once again towards the clock. Eight o'clock in the morning. Great. I was fucked.
"Perhaps I should. Depends on our schedule today." Slowly I put my glass down.
"You wanted to keep an eye on Metcalfe Park," he reminded me calmly.
True, I desired to monitor that area since there were rumors of women and children getting abducted to get sold in auctions. I could not care less for the women. But I hated it when children became victims of human trafficking. The little ones were still greatly innocent, desperate in need of protection. I genuinely despised all criminal organizations who kidnapped and sold kids. The reason why I wanted to go there myself instead of sending my men only.
"Well, I guess it is time to take a nap then. But do not hesitate to wake me up if there is something wrong." Mario nodded, but I knew he would not disturb me, unless it was necessary. He had always been a fatherly figure to me. And his focus recently was on my health and getting me a wife. I sighed, perfectly knowing that I had to get one sooner or later. Granted my family was dying to get me married since I was kind of old, according to them. To my defense, I tried twice to take a wife, but both women hated me due to the job I had. Sure, I could agree to an arranged marriage. But what was the purpose of fucking a woman who hated me, simply to get an heir? Pointless, in my book. I rubbed my eyes burning with fatigue and yawned softly. My back and neck ached; my body wished to shut down.
"Are you going to sleep right here at your desk, or do you prefer to pass out on the carpet?"
The taunting tone made me look up. Mario was still standing in front of me, an eyebrow raised in amusement. If he would not be my consigliere, I would not accept his behavior. Growling I stood up and walked to the door, feeling the alcohol in my system with every step I took. Hopefully, it would help me sleep for a couple of hours. Insomnia was a bitch.
Like your ex, my subconscious mind chimed in.
"Oh, shut it," I muttered to myself while climbing the stairs from the main floor all the way up to the third. Carefully, I had to add. Finally, I reached my room and plopped down onto my bed, not taking the time to unclothe. As that was pointless as well. For what or better, whom, should I undress?
Great, I certainly sounded like a depressed sucker instead of a highly feared mafia boss. That had to change for sure. I buried my head face first in my pillow. Lucky for once, sleep overtook me soon.
"What?" Astonished by her words, I stood in front of her. Staring in her crystal blue eyes. Tried to figure out what my beautiful fiancée had confessed a few moments before.
"I said, I am taking the pill because I will not ruin this gorgeous body of mine to become your breeding bitch." To emphasize her words, she let her hands travel seductively across her big bubbly boobs down to her sexy wide hips.
"You know as much as I do, that you cannot resist my body." An alluring smile appeared on her face, forced me to focus on her mouth. On those pink full lips which were wrapped around my cock barely a couple of hours earlier.
"We had this discussion before. When we are getting married, you WILL give birth to my children. I do not solely want an heir; I wish for a bunch of kids." Like all Italian men in my family.
"For that reason, I might not be the right woman for you." She pouted her lips first, then licking them fast. My cock twitched in my pants from that small gesture of hers. Realization hit me hard like a truck. She was trying to manipulate me. I had to stop it, before it could go any further. Before I obeyed to her, instead of the other way around.
"Go to your room. You will bear my children. End of discussion."
Unimpressed she exited my office, her hips swaying. Leaving me behind doubting her feelings for me. She reminded me greatly of my mother.
"You have to get rid of her, il mio padrino." My consigliere's voice brought me back to reality. Repeating his words in my mind, I knew he was right.
An irritating noise interrupted the dream, left me panting in the dark. Grabbing the source of the annoying sound, I threw it against a wall. The loud bang was followed by my door being forced open. Someone switched on the light. My eyes fell on two of my men, standing in the doorway, guns ready to sacrifice themselves for me. Mario squeezed past them, looked at the mess I created and sighed.
"Guess you'll need a new alarm clock. Again."
Someone has a serious issue or two here.
Tell me in the comments what you think about this sorry excuse of a mafia boss so far.

Mia Figlia
RomanceWhat if your family expects you to get an heir for the family's empire and you make the wrong choices when it comes to women? You abduct a child, right? But instead of a boy who can take over, you take a girl. Great decision, absolutely fantastic. S...