Chapter 40 ✔️

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PoV Riccardo

"Now we can finally bust this Adrian guy and destroy his organization." Lucius tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in amusement.

"I can't wait to get my hands on that son of a bitch," Romano growled from beside him. "He is going to pay for what he did to Stella! She will not even train with me anymore." I looked over at my trusty co-worker, who was sitting tensely in the passenger seat. He was suffering as much as I was from Stella distancing herself from all of us.

What had those bastards done to her? At least she seemed to enjoy the fact that I allowed her to study by distance. She learned amazingly fast, but that did not really surprise me. My fiancée was intelligent, had already studied the subjects extensively in the public library, and spent every free minute learning. When she was not reading to Isabella and Chiara in the in-house library. Since the girls preferred to play in my daughter's room, Stella had a lot of time for herself.

"Then I guess this Aiden is responsible for last year's problems," Lucius speculated. I bit my tongue. This Aiden was behind far more than the blackmailing of our establishments or the kidnapping of Stella. I wanted my men to go in with as little bias as possible. But I was convinced that we would have a hard time processing the misery that lay ahead of us. Unlike my men, I knew what was waiting for us there. I tasted the bitter taste of bile in my mouth. This was not going to be a pleasant evening.

Lucius parked the car near a group of black cars with darkened windows, by my people who were waiting for further instructions from me. We got out and I calmly looked around. Hasty actions had never helped anyone. The building was as characterless as I had been told. Two stories high and a small warehouse, right on the quay. On the areas in front of it, parking spaces for cars, containers, and wood. At first glance, a completely normal import and export company. But it was only a deception. No one would even suspect that the largest human trafficking ring in the northeastern United States of America had set up its headquarters here. Even I had not noticed anything, although my territory directly adjoined theirs.

This finally explained the reason why they had messed up my business. My family's attitude toward human trafficking was well known in the underworld. These guys had tried to get rid of us. They had hoped for a mistake. To get me arrested by the police. If I had known about them earlier, I would have smoked out the hideout long ago. But I was able to make up for it today. Full of disbelief, I had listened to the reports. About how far and deeply branched the base was under the surface. The number of guards who were running around here, About the victims and also the customers of this criminal gang. It was my duty to end this today!

"Riccardo." An Italian man in his early forties joined me. His slight paunch revealed that the rumors about his peaceful and quiet life were probably true. Aside from that, they said his wife was a fantastic cook.

"Ferro." I extended my hand to the most powerful mob boss in the South. "I would have liked to have met you at a more enjoyable time. Thank you for coming." Without his help, my team would stand no chance. The security measures of these criminals were too dangerous to go it alone. But with combined forces, we would finish off the organization.

"That goes without saying! As the father of three daughters, I don't let pigs like them get away with their schemes." Frowning, he looked toward the building, his jaw muscles tightening.

"You have been given the site plans; I assume." I took my smartphone out of my jacket pocket and searched on it for the pictures with different aspects of the map. I had the area I was most interested in memorized, but I wanted to show Ferro what my focus was for further coordination.

"Yes, we will take out the guards in front and on the right side. That should give your people enough time for the rest. I assume the computer virus was successfully smuggled in?"

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