CH.2 Sheila, Bonnie And The Grill

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Stefan tried hard to ignore Elena in History class and refused to look back at her whenever she gave him her 'please, give me attention' look.

He only liked that look when his wife was the one wearing it.

As Stefan's mind wandered to his wife for the 100th time in the last 30 minutes, Bonnie and Elena started texting.

EG: Is he looking at me?

Elena texted Bonnie wondering if he was just playing hard to get while actually staring at her because if that was the case then she would approach him.

BB: No, He's zoning out.

Bonnie replied with a slight frown as she hasn't really expected the new guy to ignore Elena when she was obviously into him but shrugged it off thinking that everyone had a different type.

EG: Do you think he's gay?

Elena texted worried. She wasn't trying to insult Stefan, she just wanted to make sure to see if she could go for him or not.

Bonnie nearly laughed out loud but covered it with a cough. Ignoring the looks she got from the rest of the class she quickly texted Elena back.

BB: I think I saw him flirting with Care in the halls when you were in the men's restroom.

Elena slumped her shoulders. Of course he went after the social, bubbly blonde.

But she's not going to give up! She straighten her back and shot Stefan a determined look but he was zoning out and didn't notice it.

After History class Stefan decided to skip the rest of his classes since Caroline was pissed anyways.

He made his way to the Bennett's home to talk to the only witch in town.

At the Bennett's home, Sheila Bennett who was preparing yet another drink, felt a sudden surge of power in town.

Worried and disturbed, she went to grab her spell book and on her way, she heard the spirits whispering and voicing their confusion as of what was happening and the cause of this sudden burst of Bennett magic.

Before Sheila could open her spell book and start searching for a reasonable answer as to what was happening, the same power she felt earlier attacked her.

She dropped her spell book as the unknown magic backed her into a wall.

Throwing her head back, blood rolled down her face like tears as unknown memories penetrated her mind.

The spirits that were around Sheila got shoved out of the house by the same force and were denied entrance to the Bennett's home.

The moment Sheila identified the memories and magic attacking her as her granddaughter's, Bonnie, everything went black.
After a long, needed and forced nap, (Translation: She fainted but she's too proud to admit it) Sheila got up from the floor slowly.

Leaning onto anything steady enough to help her walk, she finally reached her chair and collapsed on it.

She sat on her chair in silence for a long long time.

She just learned that her granddaughter fought the devil, died and came back to life multiple times, lost the love of her life, got imprisoned in the prison world and much more.

The fact that after all of that and after losing one of her friends who happened to be the same person that killed the love of her mortal life, she still had the power to forgive and send said person back in time to save the future was.... inspiring.

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