CH.5 Green Tea, Dating Advice And The Truth

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Stefan decided to go visit Sheila again while the girls went to cheer practice.

As expected, Sheila opened the door before he could knock and gestured for him to come in.

The two sat across from each other and Stefan looked at Sheila as if he wanted to ask something but at the same time, he just wanted to sit in silence.

"What's on your mind?" Sheila questioned pouring herbal tea into Stefan's cup.

"You're the only one who knows that I'm not from this timeline," Stefan replied and Sheila nodded.

"Go on."

"I want to tell Caroline the truth, but I need time, I need to spend time with her and get her to trust me so that she wouldn't freak out, and the fact that her mother hunts vampires is not helping." Stefan ranted.

"I know that this is weird, but I need to take dating advice from someone who knows the whole situation." Stefan sighed.

"And the last time you hid the truth you were exposed by the Gilbert girl within a week." Sheila took a sip from her tea.

"I lasted 10 days... and that doesn't make me any less pathetic." Stefan rubbed the back of his neck. Was Elena just smart or was he too reckless? As long as he doesn't get hurt in the fight between Tyler and Jeremy he should be fine, right?

"With your pathetic skills at hiding your true nature, I'd say the sooner the better," Sheila commented and Stefan didn't reply knowing that it was kind of true.

"But with someone like Caroline Forbes, the direct approach is the worst solution. Why don't you tell her the truth and compel her to be okay with it or have her forget you said anything if she doesn't take it that well? I know for a fact that non of the council members feed their children vervain." Sheila suggested.

"But I don't want to compel her, that's the problem. I don't want to be Damon to her. I don't want to take her choice or mess with her head, because she's going to remember one day and when she does, she will despise me." Stefan groaned.

"Caroline Forbes is... an interesting character. Taking it fast would make you a fling and taking it slow would make her get bored and date another. You're so screwed." Sheila smirked.

"That's very evil of you." Stefan frowned. He feels like he's somewhat being mocked.

"Do you have a solution or not?" Stefan sighed.

"How about you 'accidentally' compel her? Don't do the creepy vampire stare just randomly look in her eyes and tell her that you've got a secret that she can't tell to another soul." Sheila explained when she saw the confusion on Stefan's face.

"I don't know." Stefan hesitated.

"Think about it, that way she still has all her choices, you're not exactly messing with her mind and your secret is safe," Sheila said with a triumphant look.

"Okay, can you look any less smug?" Stefan rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous you didn't think of it first." Sheila chuckled.

"Whatever." Stefan rolled his eyes again.

"I'm going to ease Bonnie into the world of the supernatural, and I'm also going to tell her she can trust you, until then, avoid touching her." Sheila said.

"Okay, but don't you think it's going to seem a bit suspicious?" Stefan questioned.

"I know how to convince my granddaughter, smartass."

"No need to get defensive and use such foul language." Stefan clicked his tongue.

"I've seen you use worse." Sheila tapped her head indicating that she's seen him in Bonnie's memories.

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