CH.1 The Past, Caroline and A Mechanic

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3rd person's pov:
Stefan shot up from bed with a gasp. He looked around himself in confusion as he breathed heavily.

Isn't this his room? What's he doing here? The last thing he remembers is the hellfire blast and him sacrificing himself in order to kill Katherine and save Damon who wanted to sacrifice himself instead.

Slowly he got out of bed and felt something even weirder..... hunger.

He felt this intense hunger, this craving for blood that he only felt when he was a vampire.

"Vampire," Stefan whispered before vamp-speeding towards the mirror shocking himself further.

Refusing to believe what just happened, he looked at the mirror and tried to vamp out which surprisingly worked.

Quickly, he vamp-sped downstairs where he saw someone that shocked him further.

"Zach?" Stefan asked unsurely.

"Is there something wrong, Uncle Stefan?" Zachary asked seeing the confused look on Stefan's face.

"Zach, how long have I been in town?" Stefan asked choosing this question from 100 others.

"You just came yesterday. Why?" Zach asked warily.

"Are you sure?" Stefan's eyes widened.

"Yeah, and you're supposed to be starting school today too," Zach replied slowly.

".....I need to go," Stefan said and vamp-sped out of the boarding house before Zach could question his weird and suspicious behavior.

Stopping in front of the Donavan's home, he saw Vicki being scolded by Matt.

"Vicki?" Stefan breathed as he confirmed his suspicions.

"This-this is impossible." He whispered in denial.

D-did he just go back in time? Or was all this a dream and his subconscious is just warning him to stay away from this wretched town?

His breath quickened at the thought. 'It's impossible to have such a detailed dream!' Stefan thought before speeding into the forest and away from the walking blood bags around him.

Was it a witch's doing? Did he piss off a witch and so, she trapped him in an illusion all this time? How would he know if this is even real?

A million questions went inside Stefan's head making him hold his head in pain. All this overthinking and unorganized thoughts make him feel as if a witch was giving him an aneurysm.

He crouched down by a random tree as he groaned in pain.

What's happening to him?

He was scared of this being an illusion, confused as to what was happening, angry that he doesn't understand how he's here, happy that there's a possibility that he might really be in the past, and worried about the future that awaits.

Those mixed feelings disturbed Stefan even further.

A crow landed on the tree in front of Stefan. 'Brother?' Stefan thought when he caught a glimpse of the crow.

This is his brother's trick, he's sure that it is. He wanted to yell his brother's name, he wanted to see him, to hug him, even if it was just an illusion but he couldn't utter a word.

He knows that at this point his brother had his humanity switch off and even if he didn't, Stefan remembers that when Damon first came to town he hated Stefan.

More thoughts flowed into his already overloaded brain making him groan louder as he pressed his head harder in an attempt to decrease the pain.

Damon who was aware of what was happening to his brother was confused and although he had his humanity switch off, he still cared even in the slightest way about Stefan.

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