CH.4 Locket, Thea And Tanner

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Stefan woke up feeling hungry, not ripper hunger, but he knew that if he doesn't feed that it wouldn't take long before it developed to ripper hunger.

He got out of bed, quickly took a shower, changed his clothes, and as he was about to walk out of his room, a necklace caught his eyes.

The necklace that caught Stefan's eyes was one that he had made long ago for his future wife.

He had it spelled by all the witches that he got acquainted with over the years —some of whom he blackmailed— the necklace was spelled to protect its holder from harmful magic and supposedly acts as a good luck charm of some sorts.

He lost that necklace during the time Silas had him drowning underwater. On the day of his marriage, he wanted to give it to Caroline, but he couldn't, and he was very devastated about it.

He grabbed the necklace with a soft smile on his face. He's gonna give it to her this time.

He squeezed a certain part on the pendant making it open and revealing that the necklace is actually a secret locket.

On the back of the silver side of the locket when it's closed, he's gonna carve a quote for his wife. A quote that no one would be able to read until the day, it's holder realizes that they've fully fallen in love with Stefan. (Part of the spell the witches placed.)

On the flat, silver, left side of the opened locket, Stefan had a piece of vervain to protect the holder from being compelled. He's glad he did that instead of soaking the whole thing in vervain, so, even if Caroline turned, she wouldn't get burned.

On the concave, blue, right side of the opened locket, he wanted to place the first picture the two of them would take together, and he would later change it to their picture from their wedding day.

Stefan stared at the locket for a while before placing it in it's secured wooden box and hid the wooden box in a corner in his wardrobe under his clothes.

After that, Stefan went to sip on some random human and drain some poor animals.

Feeding. Check.
No blood. Check.
Nice hair... he'd have to get a new haircut.

After making sure that there was no blood on him or anything suspicious, he finally got into his car and went to pick Caroline up as agreed.

Without the need to honk the car to announce his presence, a panting Caroline ran out of her house and to the car in a hurry.

"Hey." Caroline greeted breathlessly as she got into the car and closed the door.

"You look like you just ran a marathon." Stefan smiled as Caroline began to fix her hair with frustration in front of her small mirror.

"I didn't want to be late," Caroline explained with slight embarrassment.

"It's fine, I just came anyway, and I don't mind you being late if you're going to look that good every time." Stefan winked at her before starting the car and driving to the school.

"You think I look good?" Caroline asked confused as she looked away from the mirror and to Stefan.

"I do." Stefan nodded taking his eyes off the road for a moment to look at Caroline.

The two got lost in each other's eyes before Stefan had to get back to the road.

The two continued the rest of the drive in comfortable silence with each one lost in their own thoughts.

Stefan thinking about self-control and how to save Mystic Falls from the future that awaits.

And Caroline thinking about Elena, Stefan and how she feels when she's around Stefan.

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