CH.6 Vicki, Jeremy And Damon

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Stefan and Caroline entered the party. "See? I told you we were going to be late." Caroline frowned in displeasure.

"You're the one that wanted to get a drink and insisted on walking instead of letting me drive you." Stefan rolled his eyes with a small smile.

"And you just listened to me?! So, if I asked you to jump off a bridge you'd do it?" Caroline asked in frustration, jabbing her finger in his chest aggressively.

"Yes," Stefan whispered.

"What?" Caroline who didn't hear him, asked.

"What?" Stefan asked back realizing his mistake.

"Whatever. And who the hell gets a drink before going to a party?" Caroline continued her rant.

Stefan had one of two choices, either tell her how unreasonable she was being for blaming him or change the topic.

"Who is that kid? He looks familiar." Stefan went with the second option to avoid unnecessary arguments.

"That's Jeremy Gilbert, Elena's baby brother. Who's apparently dumb enough to go alone into the woods at night, and I think he's drunk too." Caroline sighed.

"Would you like me to go check on him?" Stefan asked remembering that his brother was lurking around in the woods at the time.

"He's a big boy, Stefan. He can take care of himself." Caroline rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

Jeremy stumbled and nearly fell on the floor before correcting his stance, and continuing his way to the woods.

"On second thought, let's follow him just to make sure. You go first, he could be going to pee in the woods, and that's something I don't wish to see." Caroline shivered in disgust making Stefan chuckle and nod.

Going after Jeremy, Stefan heard the voice of someone he had long forgotten.

"No, Ty. I'm not having sex against a tree." The voice that could only belong to Vicki Donovan, one of the victims of his and Damon's meddling, memories of all the lives lost because of their petty 'rivalry' flashed by, and for a brief moment Stefan considered turning around and getting the hell out of there before he could hurt anyone.

He took a step back ready to run away and free himself from the shackles of fate that unbeknownst to him bound him to this girl's life, but as he did so, he heard Tyler's voice, "Oh, come on, it would be hot."

"For who? No, it's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, not here, not like this. No. I said no. I said no! Ow, that hurts!" With his enhanced vision that helps him see better in the dark, Stefan saw the drunk soon-to-be werewolf forcing himself on Vicki.

Against his better judgment, Stefan approached them. "Well that's not very nice now, is it?" Stefan asked crossing his arms over his chest and smirking at Tyler, slipping the ripper side of him some control and at the same time Jeremy yelled "Hey, leave her alone!"

"Who the hell are you?!" Tyler asked after he got shoved by Vicki.

"Did you get this loser to protect you? Are you gonna hide behind him like a damsel in distress?" Tyler laughed at Jeremy.

"What? I don't even know who that is." Jeremy looked confused before saying, "You know what? Forget it, just leave her the fuck alone."

"You don't tell me what to do, baby Gilbert!" Tyler spat venomously getting up in Jeremy's face making Stefan pull Jeremy back by the back of his shirt and face Tyler himself.

"Are we gonna have a problem, Lockwood?" Stefan allowed the vampire veins around his eyes to make an appearance before letting his face go back to normal, making Tyler take a hesitant, confused and fearful step back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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