CH.3 Control, Journal And Plans

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"I have to go now, guys. It's been nice getting to know you." Stefan looked at his watch before getting up making Elena and Caroline follow his action.

"Why are you leaving? You just came here." Caroline asked in her cute whiney voice that Stefan missed.

"Yeah, Stefan. Don't go." Elena insisted.

"I still haven't fully unpacked, I only came here because you invited me and it's already been 2 hours," Stefan replied without looking at the person he was talking to since he was putting on his jacket making Elena misunderstand and smile happily as she thought that he cared.

Caroline who remembered that she invited him at school, smiled too.

"I can walk you home if you want." Stefan smiled at Caroline but Elena was shyly looking at the floor and thought that he was talking to her.

"Took you long enough to ask/Sure." Caroline and Elena replied at the same time making both girls frown and look at each other with confusion and a hint of anger that was more obvious on Caroline's face than Elena's.

Bonnie who didn't want Elena to embarrass herself any more, decided to jump to the rescue.

"I'll take you home, Elena. Your house is near mine." Bonnie stated making Elena give her a confused look.

"Uh, okay." Elena nodded hesitantly.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at school." Stefan smiled politely.

"See you," Bonnie replied before dragging her painfully awkward friend out of the Grill.

"Really, Bon?" Elena pouted as soon as the two got into Bonnie's car.

"What?" Bonnie questioned with confusion. She doesn't look happy, she should be happy after Bonnie saved her from the awkward situation.

"Can't you see that he's into me, Bonnie? I wanted to get to know him better. We didn't talk on our way here and you just gave my chance to Caroline who's been eyeing him all day." Elena explained with disappointment to her 'oblivious' friend.

"Elena, I'm pretty sure the one he's into is Caroline." Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"He might be interested in her, yes, I'll admit it, but he's obviously into me too, did you see how we walked in together? He even said that I'm the only reason he came." Elena reasoned. Not wanting to get into an argument, Bonnie just nodded and drove to Elena's house.

On the way, Elena kept complaining and whining until they arrived at her house making Bonnie sigh in relief as soon as Elena got out of her car.

"I didn't know she could talk so much." Bonnie rubbed her ear before driving to her own house with her thoughts still focused on the love triangle that's blooming.

Or rather the love between Caroline and Stefan that's blooming and Elena that was added into the mixture with her complicated feelings.

"That was awkward," Caroline commented.

"Come on, let's go." Stefan extended his hand to Caroline and she took it.

"So, tell me, Caroline. How did you and Bonnie become friends?" Stefan asked to pass time as they walked out of the Grill.

"I met Bonnie at my birthday party, and so did Elena. We all became friends when we found out that we like the same Disney show. We used to have a great time together..... until Bonnie decided to play favorites and started choosing Elena over me, times and times again." Caroline replied casually but the way the emotions in her eyes changed from happy to nostalgic to sad was obvious to Stefan.

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