Chapter 5: Xmas Party

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Veich: I know the training camp isn't on december, but please pretend the training camp is on december ww, because I wanted to start christmas on my fanfic story and sorry if some part doesn't make sense for you, sooo please bear with me with this hehe 😜 anyways enjoy~

Jwk = joke
Dejwk = Just Kidding
Achuchu = etc./ something you forgot the word in it and you just say Achuchcu to replace it.

Your POV

December, 25, 2015
(At 5:00 PM)

"GOODEVENING EVERYONE! WELCOME TO CHRISTMAS PARTY YIEEEEEEEEEET" you said excitely shouted, because you're the host for this even though you're the only one is in here.

You were looking like this at your first costume:

You turned on the music and blasted some NON-STOP christmas music and put it on the right volume

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You turned on the music and blasted some NON-STOP christmas music and put it on the right volume.

You grabbed the 2 strings and pull to fire the confetti 🎉🎉🎉 and say shoutly "SURPRISEEEE PEOPLE".

Everyone is shocked and Hinata, Lev, Noya, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Inouka and Bokuto were so BEAMED WITH SPARKLES IN THEIR EYES.

"WERE YOU GUYS SURPRISED?? HAHA anyways I heard you're going to form christmas party at 7:00pm, but I thee! Y/n is ahead of you and prepared this party when it started the 'fake' maintenance ohoho" you proudly said when you're ahead of yourself.

"Wait that was FAKE?" Daichi was surprised when you mention it was fake. "Uhh yeah, sorry if I wasted your 3 days practice ehe" you as you were feel bad the whole time. "No wonder you said last time you were feel bad for us" Daichi replied.

"Uhm Y/n where did you get that Suit??" Suga asked. "Ohhh it's from the Janitor's Kid" you said, "Pfft- ara~ does that mean the kid is more bigger than you?" Tsukishima teasing you. "GrrRrr shut up tsuki-SHIT-kima" you irritatedly said. "Now, now Tsukishima and Y/n" Suga tries to stop them.

"WOAHHH SUGGOI Y/N IS THIS PARTY LIGHTS?" Hinata is amazed and excited by the party lights and the confetti ofcourse. "Yes Sho yes", you were proud and it was worth it.

"Did you made all of th-" Coach Ukai was cutted off by you, because you wanted to get started the party. "Sorry Coach Ukai question me later and anyways enough about that~ *Host mode on* TAAAaake a seat everyone and we'll be playing some christmas games!! Are you excited??" You pointedly your microphone to them.

They've replied with:
"Uhh yeah" "YEAAAAAAAHH" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "excited clapping" "no."

"Aight! Thazz nice thaz nice some replied ye? Well let's get started with this games YUH~" You said.

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