Chapter 7: Oh sht

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Your POV
(December, 31, 2015)
4:00 PM

This is it, this is the day you guys go to the festival, that you can't wait to go outside again to hangout with friends, eat, play games and watching fireworks.

"Y/n~ can't wait to see you wear in a Yukata, bet you're pretty  in it" Yukie smirk to you and she's excited to wear one too, even though she already wore Yukata before.

"And cute, since she's small like Hitoka-chan" Kiyoko chuckled and Yachi just stood there panicking and say "NOO y-you guys way more pretty and c-cute!".

"How about we're all pretty cute?" Kaori chuckled.

"Ahaa— No ❤️ you guys are more Goddess sorry, but I am more of a pretty uglee in it, but like I am excited to wear one and Yachi BB NOO you're more pretty and cute" you said as you were fantasize about yourself wearing one and posing some anime pose making it look ridiculous, but for you it was cool.

"Ohhh~ I see, you said that you're pretty cute right? Yes yes I know right" Yukie always wanted to tease you, because she discovered when your brother teased you, they enjoyed your argument with your brother, and that's when it started that she's enjoying your irritated reaction.

"YUKIE NO I SAID I AM PRETTY UGLEE NOT PRETTY CUTE HSKDHDH" you punched Yukie's arms as you were irritated and Yukie just laughed at you.  Then after that, you suddenly have an idea.

"O- guys wanna join me? To change our clothes into Yukata. So when later we go out, we don't waste their time to wait for us just to wear Yukata" You honestly wanted some accompany wherever you go, because back in your world you always tell your friends to join and ofcourse your friends agrees cuz they know your fear or something.

Yukie, Kaoru, Kiyoko and Yachi agree to what've you said. You guys left the room and go to the changing room to change your clothes into yukata.

On the other side of the court, the boys are just doing their thing like volleyball and achuchuchu, they just stood there, doing their thing and thought something like.

Their POV

Hinata and Kageyama tries to do the quick, but it's messy and Kageyama yelled at him, "BOKE HINATA BOKE WHY CAN'T YOU FOCUS".

"THAT'S BECAUSE I'M DISTRACTED, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY AM I SO DISTRACTED, Oh! Kageyama Uh by the way your... set is kindaaa.. you know.. mess-" Hinata immediately avoided his eyes and didn't continued the word, because he already knows that Kageyama will give him some death stare.

But even Kageyama is thinking about something else, other than volleyball and milk. But he still doesn't know what does he felt about it.

Kuroo on the other side thinking "(Why am I so excited to this day, what is this scientifically feeling? the heck! get it together man! Think some chemistry!)" Kuroo is just staring at the floor and thoughtly feel like an idiot that he looked like he lost somewhere.

"(sht I- what am I doing, did I just fantasize right now? Ugh sht this is so annoying)" Tsukishima groaned as he wanted to stop but he kept thinking about it.

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