Chapter 23

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I stared at the scene before me a little too long before noticing the bird thing coming up behind Mr. Aizawa.

He's gonna kill him-!

Quickly I dashed and dug my feet into the ground, hopping up into air.

Please let this work....!

"WHAT THE HELLLLLL,"I screamed outta the mix of adrenaline and fear going through me, meeting face to face with that ugly thing. I swung my left foot right into his brains, igniting a huge ball of my fire.


The creature stepped back screaming and getting ready to reach up and rip my body in half.

I guess I found a weak spot.

Quickly, I did a fast backflip and fell flat onto the ground.

At least I was away from that thing.

But it wouldn't be for long...

The big bird turned around and threw his fist directly towards my stomach.


I felt something come up my throat and I hopped onto my feet ignoring the pain, coughing up some blood.

"(L/n) go with the other students!" The teacher shouted as if I was some burden, ready to take on the creature or avoid it if possible.

"I just saved you from some trouble," I mumbled still in some pain, throwing my googles on.

Don't want that bird damaging my body even more.

That kick barely did anything, and there's no one here with a big quirk to stop him.

Izu could possibly just like with the one huge robot he destroyed during the extrance exams he told me about.

He's around somewhere I can smell it.

I was looking around looking if Izuku was anywhere near, but instead of spotting him, I was met face to face with a huge hand.


"I'll kill this kid and maybe All Might will finally appear," he roughly scratched at his skin. I could see a huge grin behind a part of the hand on his face.

He reached over to grab my face, but before he could do that my fists lit up and punched him right in the gut.

He almost fell back but grabbed my wrist in the process.

My mouth flew open in shock, and I fell back, the hand man falling near by.

I rapidly through my wrist up to my face inspecting it.

Nothing happened.

Oh my fuck thank gosh I was almost caught lacking.

My ears perked up and heard the raggedy hair dude starting to have some sort of tantrum, giving the biggest death glare towards Aizawa.

Wait, was that his Quirk that stopped me from turning into crumbled up bag of chips?

It had to have been.

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