Chapter 60

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Class ended.

I laid my face against the cold desk.

Life is useless, life is miserable...meaningless-

"Your internships start in a week. For this all important decision, I'll be handing out personalized lists to those who were drafted. You may choose from among those who scouted you. For those who were not drafted...the list I just passed out contains forty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns. You will choose one from that list. Each has a different specialty and region. Give your choice some real thought." Your teacher began to hand out papers. "Submit your choices by this coming weekend."

I got a paper handed to me.

- Random Hero Agency
- Background Character Agency
- Extra Person Agency
- Scandium Hero Agency
- Another one Hero Agency

The list could go on for a bit there. There were more agencies to consider. I read further. None of it was in order. No top hero to the less popular ones, no alphabetical order, just a bunch of hero name agencies slapped onto a big sheet of paper. I had to keep reading, scanning it further. I was curious so I mean I had to see just what heroes took the challenge and decided to scout me. Lots of newer generation names stuck out. Yet...there was a hero that stuck out. Not the hero that confronted you last night, but a hero you looked up too.


-Edgeshot Hero Agency.

I read. I stood up from my chair in shock. No way.

"They noticed me..."

I spoke out surprised.

Edgeshot was a hero that was a personal favorite of mine. I don't know why, but their ninja and mysterious appearance was something I found super cool.

"Woah~ who noticed you?!" Kaminari teased, sitting to me. I sat back down and pulled my chair closer to my desk.

"Look for yourself," I replied. I stared at the paper still in shock.

I pointed at the name.

"Edgeshot! He's like in the top ten! I'm so jealous~ how cool!!"

"Edgeshot...?!" Izuku mumbled out surprised, sitting behind you two.

I turned around.

I flashed a smile and gave a thumbs up.

"The day has arriveddd," I squealed.

This was an exciting day for me. Well, one that would come to a quick end.


"Oh the hero Scandium too! You're so damn lucky," your lightning powered friend was having a pouty fit in their chair.

Scandium...oh he is also in the top ten hero rankings...Never really heard of them though til today.

I pulled out my phone and looked up a quick search of them.

The Silver Hero: Scandium

...bitch you better be joking...

*time-skip brought to you by Hitoshi's water bottle*

I rolled the liquor bottle around on the small table in my living room. I hunched over in a sitting position, letting my elbows sit on my knees. I held a phone up to my ear.


"It's got quiet after we had to pick who to go with for our internships."

"Eh, just in thought..."

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