Chapter 63

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After Scadium exited, I became very alert of what I just did. I quickly put all my problems to the side, shooting myself forward. My hand went straight to the doorknob of the training room. I needed to make sure I was not going to end up in some prison situation.

My hand gripped at the doorknob and I slammed it wide open. My eyes opened completely, in shock. All of Scandium's sidekicks stood in front of me. My right leg swung backwards. From what I understood, they were ganging up to arrest me and send me away. I know I know. "Do the crime. Do the time." Yet, I wasn't sure I wanted to get locked up for something like this. I had people to look after...and shit I did not join that damn gang willingly. I'm sure that I would've been killed by now or silenced if I didn't. This is what I hate about certain heroes. They don't understand.

""Join us! For an amazing lunch!""

The heroes shouted in sync to my confusion.




After I had a big look of confusion, one of the sidekicks gave me an explanation.


Thought this would be some super secret action packed crime scene? Wrong. Scandium had brought me and his group of sidekicks to a nearby restaurant. In which, you were awfully surprised. Surprised to see a hero actually playing nice. This hero specifically. It caught you off guard. The restaurant was very clean and nice looking. It was one of those restaurants that were freezing on the inside and smelled like Clorox. We all go and take a seat. I'm sat right next to the one and only Scandium of course. This sucked. Still, I didn't think of this as luxury time for myself. This could be my last meal. As if I was about to be put on death row.

This 'eating out' was a regular routine for the hero and sidekicks. It is what they did every other week, or so I was told by one of the more friendlier sidekicks. The sidekicks were actually all nice. I adored them for that. What sucked was they had to be led by this bitch of a hero. Every Friday usually, the group of heroes would sit at a huge table at this restaurant in the area. It was near the doors which were huge and full on glass. I couldn't even look outside as the hero was in the seat next to me. His body was so tall and he had a decent set of muscles on him that made his build wide too.

This is how their routine here would go:

It would start off with the pro hero waving down one of the workers of the restaurant.

The worker would give the hero a smile and give him an all natural, "Hey what's up man?!" It was an older man working for the restaurant. Actually, the guy speaking to Scandium happened to be the owner of the restaurant. He'd for the millionth time try to offer him and his team a huge discount on their meals, a.k.a. he would try to pay for their meals, to which the hero always declined while thanking him.

Scandium would do all the ordering. "The usual," Scandium would tell the owner.

That's how they'd do this every time.

Today one of the sidekicks stood up and said they wanted something different. Scandium agreed and turned over to you.

"You need a menu or something?" The hero raised a brow at you. My heart got all jumpy when he looked in my direction. I wasn't used to this kind of attention. All I was expecting was for the heroes to eat while I watched and "observe" or something. Bastard probably wanted to teach me a lesson...Yet, that wasn't the case. It surprised me to say the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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