Chapter 14

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Since this chapter was such a long wait, it's has about 6400 words so make the best of it lmfao.

"The cumulative results for the practical exams are out!" The one announcer cheered.

"I can't believe he got second place with no rescue points."The hero, midnight remarked.

"The faux villains acquire their targets and draw near them. In the second half, as others were slowing down, he used his flashy quirk to keep bringing them close and then counterattacking. It's the result of his toughness," the other hero said.

"Let's not take the attention away from first place. She was able to get both hero and rescue points getting about 20 more points than 2nd," another in the room replied to the others.

"In contrast, there's the 7th place student with zero villain points," she replied back.

"There have been other examinees who took on the large villain in the past, but it's been a while since I last saw someone blow it away. 1st place may have took it down as well, but it didn't go flying like that," he explained.

"But to suffer such a serious injury from his own attack. Its like he's a young child whose Quirk just manifested," the other argued.



Groggily getting up from bed, I realize I'm not late for once.

That's perfect.

Grabbing at my wrinkled uniform, I throw it on, pulling at the black thigh high socks.

Ugh, I really should've gone with stockings.

I sit up from my bed and head toward my mirror. It was a full body mirror so I could see my entire outfit.

Twirling in mirror a few times, I smiled to myself.

Not too bad.

Having no food nor knowing how to cook anything, I skipped breakfast and headed to the bathroom to do my normal routine before leaving.

Brushing my bangs outta my face, I checked to see what Quirk I had at the moment.


That means water manipulation.


I tapped my boots onto the hard tile and fist pumped the air.

We were supposed to wear a certain pair of shoes, but I just threw on my boots and kept walking down the street.

Having my speed Quirk would be a way bigger help then a water Quirk.

I sighed in defeat and continued to walk down the street pouting.

To get to U.A I'd have to take the train. Most likely it's the same case for other students. U.A. was actually pretty far. Maybe just to keep the reporters away?

I headed onto the train already half way there. Then I finally realized.

"Oh shoot, Izuku!"

I face palmed and opened my phone.
Receiving a good morning text and just five minutes ago a "don't be late" type of text.

I texted back, greeting the broccoli head. Also, telling him I was already on my way and to just head to school without me.

I guess I was just a little too nervous and forgot.

Heading off the train, I walk around some more before heading to the humongous building.

Woww, I know I've been here before, but now I'm actually part of the school! This isn't some entrance exam, it's the real deal.

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