Chapter 12

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¡warning: slurs and homophobic behavior¡

Eddie's pov.

"Eddie Bear! Where are you going?" My mom questions as I'm walking towards the door.
"To- uh- To Bill's house!" I shout back

"To go hang out with your friends? Those fags?" She asks and I stop in place, terrified and angry. "You're one of them too aren't you Eddie-Bear?"

I slowly turn to face my mom.
"Momma..." I start to try answer, shaking as I face her. She stares at me as disappointment floods her face.

"I told you that Marsh girl was bad news. And the Hanlon boy." She says. I feel my grip tighten on my backpack at the mention of my friends. Her talking about them negatively. Again.

"But I didn't think you would go hanging around Tozier." She spits and my jaw clenches slightly.

"M-momma I'm not-" I stutter out. Maybe Bill did have an influence on me though. Not a bad one of course.

"How did you-?" I start to try and stop myself, looking down, disappointed.
"Your friend Anna. She came by to tell me something important." My mother answers.

"I knew they were bad for you." She says. "Do you want to go to hell?"
"Momma I'm not-" I say and she stops me.

"You want to join your friends in hell?" She counters again and my heart stops again. "You will follow that Tozier boy. And Marsh and Hanlon. Bill and Stanley too?"

"Shut up!" I yell, letting it all out. "My friends did nothing wrong! I did nothing wrong! We're not going to hell! We're fucking being ourselves! Unlike everyone else in this town!"

"Oh Eddie-Bear." She answers, taken aback. "How have they corrupted you so much?"

"Mom you don't get it!" I exclaim in frustration. "This is who I am! It's who I've always been!"

"Eddie no." She says. "You're just sick. We'll take you to the doctor. I'm sure he can fix this." She starts to fret around.

"Fuck you!!!" I shout at her. "I-I'm not sick and I dont need to be put on anymore of those stupid pills!!!"


"Get out." She says.
"I said get out of my house, you faggot!!" She shouts. "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!"

With that I run out the door, tears spilling down my face. I wipe them as I hurry off to Bill's house, as that's where I was going anyways.

"Hey there, Edward Spaghedward!" A voice shouts. I chuckle quietly, blinking back any more tears threatening to spill.

"Richie." I answer, finally looking up as we walk up Bill's front steps. "Hey."
"Hey guys!" Bev greets, opening the door.

"Hey bev!" We both answer. Richie walks in and I turn to Beverly. "Bev can I talk to you?"
"Of course." She says and pulls me to the side.

"What's wrong?" Bev asks and I look down. I feel the tears prick at my eyes and I shake my head blinking them away.

"Eddie, what is it?"
"Its nothing. I'm fine. Come on let's go inside."
"Ok...." She says, eyeing me suspiciously.

"So..... Quarry?" Mike asks when we finally walk in. We ended up riding our bikes over there.

After we hung out and swam for a while, I had almost forgotten about my mom. Almost. We decided to go to Bev's. She lives with her aunt and she likes us, honestly I love her.

We walk in and a voice calls out from the kitchen.
"Beverly is that you?" A female voice asks.
"Yeah! I brought my friends too!"

"Well hello kids." She greets us warmly, walking into the room. She hugs us all and then turns to Richie. "Hello there."

"Hello there, madam." Richie starts. "Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He says in an accent, bowing. I sigh and smack him in the arm, watching bev shake her head and sigh.

"Sorry about him. Hes uh- well- hes Richie." I say, glaring at him slightly. Bev's aunt chuckles and shakes her head.

"Well that's alright, it was nice to meet you." Bev's aunt says. "Well, you kids have fun now."
"Thanks!" Bev says as we walk away to Bev's room.

"Hey Bev, your aunt's sweet. Almost as sweet as your mom." Richie jokes and I slap him but Bev just laughs.
"Okay, Tozier, you can pick on Eddie's mom all you want, but lay off my dead mother." Bev answers.

My breath hitches for a second at the mention of my mother. I calm down again and we all laugh at Richie. I might have lost my mother but I still had my friends. And that was all I needed.

(A/n: updateeee. I know it's been a while but I'm back and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.)

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