Chapter 3

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Richie's pov.

I'm sitting in my bedroom, I told Henry my parents needed me home or they'd ground me, I'm just doing homework. I hear my parents come home. Okay. I have to do it, tonight, at dinner. I think they'll be supportive but I'm scared.

What if they dont support me? What if they think their son is a fag and dont love me anymore? What if they disapprove of my adoration for the short hypochondriac who I've adored for a long time? What if they kick me out? What if-

"Richie!" My mom calls up the stairs.
"Yeah?" I say, coming out of my room.
"The phones for you, a seemingly nice young man, he said his name is Stanley." She answers and I raise an eyebrow.

Why is Stan calling me? I shrug it off, brushing a strand of my curly hair away from my face before answering.
"Oh okay, I'm coming!" I call before running downstairs.

"Hey Stan, what's up?" I say, taking the phone from my mom.
"Hey, Bev told me, you don't have to come out to hang with us, you know that??" Stan says to me.

"Yeah, but it's about time I do, plus I really want out of the gang. They're bad people for me to hang around." I say.
"You sure you're ready??" Stan asks me.

"Aw thanks for being so concerned, Stan the man, but I'm telling my parents tonight, and I can do it. I'll tell the gang and the losers tomorrow." I say.

"Okay," he says, sighing, "good luck, call me if you need anything."
"Alright, I will, see you tomorrow, Stan." I answer, smiling at the thought of him and all the others being my new friends.
"See you, Richie." He says and hangs up.

I go back upstairs and finish my homework, when I'm called for dinner.
"Richie! Dinner time!" My dad yells upstairs.
"Okay, I'm coming dad!" I say and take a deep breath before I go. I can do this, it's not a big deal.

I go downstairs and sit at the table, I start eating and my mom interrupts me.
"So, who's Stanley? What happened to Henry, Patrick, Victor, and Reginald?" My mom says. Gosh that is so weird everyone calls them the Bowers gang, or Henry (more commonly "Bowers"), Hockstetter, Vic, and Belch.

"Oh, um, Stan is my new friend that I met today. The others aren't really my friends anymore." I tell my mom, half lying, half telling the truth. A look of relief, almost, crosses her face. My dad almost looks proud.

"I have to tell you guys something." I finally speak up. Oh gosh, here it goes.
"What is it sweetie??" My mom asks.
"I'm bisexual." I say. Wow okay, that was straightforward.
"What?" My dad says. Okay, not the reaction I was expecting.
"I like girls, but I also like guys." I say.

"Oh." My dad says. Now I'm honestly really scared.
"That's okay, sweetie." My mom says. Well thank god.
"Well, as long as you're happy it doesn't matter." My dad says.
"Really?!" I ask, surprised.
"Of course." My mom says, "you'll always be our son and we love you."

"Thank god. I was so scared you weren't gonna accept me." I say "I thought you might kick me out or something."
My mom just laughs.
"Of course not" She says, reaching over to rub my shoulder

Well that went well. Now to prepare myself to tell the homophobes I've called my friends forever. I sigh at the thought and head up to get ready for bed.

(A/n: what am I honestly doing? Like someone tell me. And tell me why I'm doing it, and if it's good, and if I need to just stop.)

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